First symptoms of pregnancy: how to know if I am pregnant

When a woman becomes pregnant there is a hormonal revolution in her body that results in the first symptoms of pregnancy.

The action of human chorionic gonadotropin (the pregnancy hormone), together with that of estrogen and progesterone, causes a series of physiological mechanisms that indicate that gestation has begun, and may occur even before knowing that you are waiting for a baby .

Some women may have symptoms without actually being pregnant, so it is best to perform a pregnancy test to confirm it.

First symptoms of pregnancy

Lack of menstruation

Some symptoms may occur before you realize the lack of menstruation. However, amenorrhea (absence of bleeding) It is the most obvious symptom of pregnancy, although it may also be due to other circumstances such as stress, hormonal changes outside of pregnancy or some other cause.

In any case, bleeding may occur that can be confused with menstruation, but which is really implantation bleeding.

Implantation bleeding, also known as false menstruation, is a slight blood loss caused by the nesting of the fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. It happens between six and ten days after fertilization, period that matches the expected date for menstruation, so it is often confused with your arrival.

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Breast tenderness

The breasts begin to prepare to start producing milk from the beginning of pregnancy. They begin to suffer alterations that cause swelling, tingling sensation and extreme sensitivity, causing any friction to cause pain.

The sudden increase in the hormone progesterone affects the growth of the mammary glands and estrogens in the development of the milk ducts, causing the blood flow, the fat layer to increase in the breasts and the size of the milk glands

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Belly pain and swelling

It is common during the first weeks to feel lower belly pain similar to premenstrual pain or that felt during menstruation.

You can also feel punctures accompanied by pain in the lower back. It is due to congestion of the uterus, when the embryo is taking root in the uterine lining.

Nausea and vomiting

Also caused by the action of hormones, most pregnant women suffer nausea during the first trimester of pregnancy, although in some cases they may extend longer, even until the end of pregnancy.

Nausea may be accompanied by excessive salivation or vomiting. There are things you can't even smell, especially in the morning, because it immediately makes you want to vomit. You can even dislike certain foods.

To combat nausea you can use some tips to keep them at bay, such as eating certain foods that help relieve them and make several small meals a day.

Morning sickness is more frequent, although there are women who suffer at any other time of the day, and even throughout the day.


Dizziness happens when it occurs a drop in blood pressure, because the body's cardiovascular system is adapting to the new situation.

They are usually more frequent in the morning but can occur at any time of the day and end up fainting, such as after eating, because a greater amount of blood is concentrated in digestion, or by standing a long time.

There are some recommendations that you can keep in mind to avoid dizziness, such as: avoid sudden changes of position, crowded places, without ventilation and always carry a candy in your bag to take when you feel dizzy, it will help raise the blood sugar level

Tiredness and sleep

Blood volume increases and pulse increases, so the body demands more rest. One appears feeling tired, reluctant and sleepy that sometimes you can't control and you feel that you fall asleep no matter where you are.

Rest whenever you can, because if the body demands it, it is because it needs to recover the energy consumed in the creation of a new life.

Other pregnancy symptoms

The body is preparing to house the baby, therefore the changes happen at all levels. Headache, nasal congestion may also occur, some women begin to notice an increase in the need to urinate or constipation.

You may feel bloated, that everything you eat feels bad, there are even women who lose weight during the first few weeks because they feel rejection of many foods.

A pregnancy test may be the first option to make sure. However, it is good to remember that the majority of pregnancy tests sold in the market are not accurate at an early stage of pregnancy, so that days (even some weeks) after conception the result may be negative but be really in state.

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Photos | iStock and Dan Zen on Flickr

Video: Early Pregnancy Symptoms. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).