Celiac Disease

This is a disease that is characterized by gluten intolerance. There is a protein complex found in some cereals such as barley, oats, wheat or rye. Thanks to the investigations that have been carried out in recent years, it is known that the Celiac Disease It is much more frequent than previously thought, there is 1 celiac child out of 150.

The characteristics of this disease are very particular, since each child reacts in a different way and even the child can suffer from the disease and have no symptoms, which suggests that there are some cases in which the child suffers from the disorder and the parents they do not know.

With normal conditions, in digestion and to be more exact in the small intestine, all the necessary nutrients are absorbed for the body such as proteins, minerals or vitamins, but for a celiac child, gluten makes the body react against it, damaging the intestinal villi found in the small intestine, and these are responsible for the absorption of nutrients. As a result, poor nutrition of the child can occur. There are some food intolerances that usually disappear with age as is the case with the intolerance of eggs or milk. But gluten intolerance is forever, a celiac child can never assimilate gluten. If you have been given gluten-free foods without knowing that the child is suffering from the disease, in addition to suffering from malnutrition, the intestinal villi become damaged, but at the time you stop giving him any food with gluten, the villi regenerate again, but He needs his time.

Due to lack of knowledge or ignorance, it is possible to incur food again to the child that contains gluten, then the lesion will reappear, so you have to be very careful with your diet and be well informed of all the components of the diet that We are giving him.

Many products contain gluten, especially those manufactured, these products have more or less gluten. Therefore, it is advisable to buy unprocessed products that will guarantee the absence of gluten.

There are a number of tips given by the Federation of Celiac Associations that will come in handy to the parents of celiac children and that will answer any questions you have about this disease. On his website, they inform us of the importance of feeding in the celiac child and what types of food are most suitable for him.

They also inform us of the behavior that we should adopt with respect to the child and the surrounding environment, for example, if the child goes to a school canteen or the type of life he must lead.

Video: Experiencing Celiac Disease (July 2024).