Chubby baby

From time to time we meet a friend of ours who has had a baby, she is very beautiful and great !, to the point that with only one year old, she wears clothes for children of two or three years old. It even looks like he's very chubby.

There are cases in which a family has marked in their genes to have very large babies. This does not imply that in its development it continues the same, it can lose weight as it grows, having the normal proportions when becoming an adult.

If you think you baby is chubbyIt is easy to find out if it is genetic or persistent obesity, knowing how your parents, grandparents or family members were when you were born, you will probably find out if it is genetic. When a baby has a persistent obesity, it is advisable to take it to the pediatrician who will surely, after some previous tests, send you to the nutritionist or the endocrinologist to find out the problem and if necessary, they would adapt a special diet. You should never make any diet for the baby, since they suffer from the lack of any necessary nutrients for their proper development.

Pediatricians advise rules that can help in these types of cases. In principle you should never be forced to eat, they set the guidelines and the need, so it is better not to offer food if you do not ask for it. Avoid sugar, do not give yogurt flavors, since they carry more sugar, try to give only the natural ones, at least for now.

Try to hide the existence of goodies, chips and sweets in general, because if you do not know these products will not ask. Who resists the desire for a candy in a child? Avoid sodas and juices prepared by the excess sugar they contain, the best thing to quench thirst is water.

A baby can be very large, but as a general rule, it always tends to normalize its proportions during its development. The truth is that we really like our baby to be big and beautiful.

Video: Top Cutest Chubby Baby - Chubby Baby Video (July 2024).