Starting to talk

Many babies, begin to say their first words when they have reached their first birthday and it is a joy to listen as mom or dad says. Some babies take a little longer, they have trouble getting started.

At this age the most common words are mom, dad, water, yaya, etc. Most babies begin to pronounce their first words between ten and twelve months, although we also know some that have even begun before, but it is not uncommon for a baby to start talking later.

In fact, there is no date stipulating when it should start to talk, but there are periods described by specialists that indicate when the baby has to reach certain goals. To start talking, several factors influence such as character or stimulation. An example that is very clear is when a baby has siblings, it always learns before saying its first words, unlike the one that does not have them, although it must always be taken into account that each baby has its rhythm and we must respect it and not force it.

They say that the comparisons are bad and it is true, comparing one baby with another is not recommended, since as we have said before, each baby has its rhythm, although it is good to observe its development in order to prevent some difficulty. According to specialists, there is a limit of 16 months to make a sound trying to communicate, 20 months to say a word and 24 months to say two words that form a phrase.

If this happens, you should go to the specialist, as you may have some type of neurological or perhaps auditory problem.

There are techniques to gradually stimulate the baby's language, such as using short sentences that are understandable, leaning on gestures so that, better understand what you say, be very happy when he expresses himself speaking, etc.

The first words of a child are really music for parents' ears.

Video: The Starting Line - Bedroom Talk (July 2024).