Can I have a vaginal birth after a cesarean delivery?

There is always some uncertainty after having had a cesarean delivery, the typical question is:I can have a vaginal birth after a cesarean delivery? The answers are the most disparate, a fact that is confirmed is that in Spain, caesarean sections are performed that are unnecessary.

Getting your second vaginal delivery is not a selfish whim for those who have undergone surgery, rather, it is the safest for mom and baby in most cases.

Many women can have a vaginal birth even if they have had a cesarean delivery. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), this should always be tried, according to their estimates, up to 80% of women who have undergone a surgical intervention to give birth, can have a next natural birth. There are cases in which vaginal birth is contraindicated after a caesarean section, and they are the same as in a delivery without previous caesarean section, that is, if the placenta covers the exit of the uterus, if there is vaginal bleeding in the third trimester, if The fetus is in a position that makes it unfeasible, if there is a serious illness such as severe heart disease, etc.

When the first birth has not been vaginal, and the second one is intended to be, it will surely be a birth like that of a first-time mother, this has to be developed in the most natural way possible, drugs that accelerate the contractions unless necessary. Some specialists see the possibility of facilitating the exit of the baby with forceps, in case the expulsion period is very long and thus being able to avoid overexertion of the uterine scar.

According to specialists, the probability of opening the old scar from the first birth with effort is minimal, but it is recommended that there be a period of at least two years between one birth and another.

Video: Giving Birth After a C-Section (July 2024).