The passage of the bottle to the spoon

The surrounding world the passage of the bottle to the spoon It is totally different, suddenly, dirty faces, food on the floor and completely dirty bibs appear. Meals become endless and only Mom's relaxed and patient attitude helps the spoon triumph.

As we know, breast milk covers all the baby's needs during the first months, but then it is necessary to provide the baby with new foods that provide other nutrients that are very beneficial for him. The moment you give the first scoop is when everything changes and a stage begins where you will find good eating habits and a new development.

At the beginning, it is very difficult for the baby to accept this novel way of eating, since there are other muscles involved than those used to feed by sucking breast milk or a bottle. Getting started is a bit difficult for him, but with the right means, this learning is fast. If you use small plastic or silicone spoons that have bright colors, they will attract your attention and it will be like another toy. Using a metal spoon is not as advisable as it is cold and hard. There are some special spoons that have the soft tip, these are specially designed not to damage the baby's gums and are the most advisable to take your first solid meals.

Children have the mature digestive system to digest new solid foods from 4-6 months, and they can already control the jaw to move food from one side of the mouth to the other. He is ready for the new gastronomic world that opens in front of him. There are a number of tips to find out if your baby is ready for this step in her diet:

If you stay hungry after taking the milk and ask for more often the breast or milk is an initial clue, you realize that it shows an interest in the food that others take, that itches you curiosity, this is a unambiguous track and is a suitable time to start with the spoon. This initiative is complemented by the correct position in the high chair and keep the head up and stable.

You will enjoy very much watching your little one eat, how he tastes food and the joy that will let him know that he has finally started a new stage in his development.

Video: Andy Narell & Lord Relator - Medley Part 2 (July 2024).