My son wants to be youtuber: seven tips you should keep in mind before creating a YouTube profile

The other day, my eight year old son surprised me with a perfectly designed plan to become youtuber. I wanted to help you with the procedures to open an account in this social network and to supervise your work. He is clear about what he wants to call himself, what he wants to talk about and even the kind of tuning that will lead his videos.

Although his request left me perplexed (and I still think about whether to access it and, if so, how to do it to preserve his privacy and anonymity), it seems that according to the XIII Adecco Survey "What do you want to be when you grow up?", parents should get used to the fact that our children tell us they want to be youtubers, because it is one of the professions of the future that are stomping among children and adolescents.

What do you have to keep in mind to be a youtuber?

If our son has told us his firm desire to be youtuber, we must take into account several factors when entering this world:

  • 1) The first thing to know is that to open a YouTube channel you must have a Google or Gmail account, and for that it is necessary to be at least 14 years old, as established by Spanish legislation. Children under that age will have to have parental consent to create a profile

In any case, and despite the fact that our son is old enough to open a YouTube channel without our consent, it is essential that parents get involved, teach them to make responsible use of technologies and gain their trust so they always come to us in case of doubt or to detect any problem.

  • 2) Another of the things that parents should consider before opening a YouTube channel to our son, is if we want this one to be private (with restricted access, for example to family or closest friends) or public (open to everyone), and if we will opt for anonymity or not (that is, if we want to see his face).

This is a very personal decision and I think we should be very clear about the cons and pros of choosing one alternative or another.

  • 3) On the other hand, it is important that the child takes into account that, like any profession, Being a YouTube requires time, effort and sacrifice. Some people believe that youtubers make quick money without doing anything, and in most cases - and if we talk about quality content - that is not true.

Maintain a YouTube channel, publish regularly and provide content of interest for your followers they are activities that will require time and delivery. Therefore, if our son wants to be youtuber "to earn easy money", perhaps it is best to take the idea from his head.

  • 4) Have a YouTube channel It helps to foster the child's creativity, since you will not only have to choose the content of your videos, how to record them and how to edit them, but you should also strive to differentiate yourself from the competition.

There are more and more youtubers and as in any other profession, it is important to stand out for a place. Bringing interesting and different content and capturing the user's attention in a few minutes will require effort, originality and creativity.

  • 5) It is also important explain to children the copyright of images and music that they find on the Internet. Teach them to value the work of others, not to copy it and to be original with their own creations.

  • 6) Let's run away from easy video, heavy jokes and humiliations, which not only they don't bring anything good to those who see us, but embody negative values ​​that we surely do not want our children to transmit.

Let's make him see that Through your videos you can bring interesting, cultural and valuable content to your followers. For example, a yotuber who recommends books and analyzes them, who shares chess tricks and plays, who does handicrafts, who teaches how to play an instrument ... Also, that our son can show the world what he is proud of It will help improve your self-esteem.

  • 7) And last but not least, it is essential the accompaniment of the parents in this adventure. Supervise everything they do before uploading it to the network, lend them our help with recording and editing, encourage them when the public's response is not as expected and congratulate them on a job well done.

We live in the society of communications and technology, and certain professions like this one in Youtuber, will gradually begin to gain a foothold in the near future. Therefore, if our son shows us his desire to open a YouTube channel and share his interests and hobbies with the world, Let's give you the tools you need and accompany your adventure! What do you think?

  • IStock Photos

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Video: How to Start and Grow Your YouTube Channel from Zero 7 Tips (July 2024).