A baby transforms your vision of the world ... and your day to day: 11 practical ideas to adapt to changes

The arrival of a baby changes our lives: how we feel, how we think, our scale of values ​​... But there are also many others changes related to the most daily acts of our day to day, not so deep but not less important: the moment of sleeping, the time of the meal, traveling or simply making the purchase. Sometimes even taking a simple shower becomes a challenge. We tell you 11 practical tips to solve these moments.

1. Synchronize the moments of sleep with your baby

During its first months of life, baby's sleep and feeding cycles will be frequent and short throughout the day, without distinguishing between night and day. Take advantage of your moments of sleep to relax and rest yourself too.

The baby must get used to distinguish the day of the night, the naps from the night's sleep

Set priorities. Sleep is not a waste of time. Although there are other pending tasks, rest is absolutely necessary. Maybe at the beginning, it costs you a little to get a big head during the daylight hours, but with a little consistency you will be able to adapt to the new schedules.

The best thing is that during the night, the baby sleeps in the space that you have allocated for this purpose, and during the day, you get used to sleeping in the room where you usually make more life (the living room or the living room, for example ), without completely silencing or obscuring the house.

So your baby will gradually learn to distinguish the day of the night, and the naps from the night's sleep. To get it you can use the stroller as a daytime cradle and let it rest in it if you sleep during the ride. Do not move him if you do not want to risk waking him early. For this you will need a suitable carrycot. The Chicco StyleGo Trio has a spacious and cozy carrycot, like a mini crib. Its pleasant mattress and its reclining backrest create an ideal and comfortable environment for baby's rest.

2. Give yourself time to get used to all the changes

Adapting to the rhythm of the baby is essential. A newborn is completely dependent on his parents, so We must be attentive to their needs (physical or emotional) to be able to cover them properly.

Most babies, for example, accept bath time late in the afternoon as a relaxing time, before dinner and as an inducing element of nighttime sleep.

Do not get frustrated or overwhelmed if, at the beginning, your day is missing hours

However, others get very excited when they come into contact with water, which they associate with a moment of fun and play. You will have to find out what your baby is like and what, and adapt to your preferences. Little by little you will readjust your activities according to theirs and you will recover your own space. And the same happens with the moment of the meal, the walk, the purchase or the cleaning.

The rhythm is also marked by the baby. Get in the habit of planning ahead of time the pending tasks inside and outside the home, leaving ample room for maneuver in case it takes longer than the bill to eat or a longer nap is taken than normal.

Do not get frustrated or lose your temper if at the end of the day you have not done half of the things you planned to do. Be patient, tolerant and put yourself in his place. Babies grow and change a lot during their first weeks of life.

3. Establish a visiting schedule

When the family grows, family and friends want to meet the new member as soon as possible. Sharing your joy is a source of pleasure for proud and happy parents. But nevertheless the constant traffic of people at home can be stressful and overwhelming for both parents and the newborn.

So that no one interrupts your rest or that of the baby, establish a visiting schedule, limiting the times and allowing the entry of only small groups at a time.

Establish a visiting schedule so that they do not interrupt your rest or the baby's rest

In this way, not only will you get more and better rest, but your meal, walk or bath schedules will not be interrupted or frustrated either.

Although at first you hurry, family and friends will understand. Having a schedule to receive visits is an effective remedy so that these do not become an extra job for you. In this way, you will alternate some healthy social life with the needs that your new family life imposes.

You will also get stagger the visits so that they do not accumulate all in the first days, which are precisely where you have to deal more with lack of sleep and rest.

4. Advance meal times

Advancing the schedules of all meals of the day will give you some extra time to relax and better organize all activities. Babies impose new routines and usually have breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner before adults.

After feeding him, prepare your own food. So later you can also rest while the baby sleeps.

Adapt your meal schedules to your baby's

As the child grows and enters the solid feeding stage, you can include food for him on the adult table. Babies are very curious about what they see adults do and tend to imitate us.

In this way, you will get to feel more and more integrated into your own routine. Of natural form, The time will come when your schedules and yours will fully coincide.

5. To the street from day one

Although we think that the newborn's immune system is still too immature to go outside, all specialists agree that The baby can go out from the first day.

Taking the baby to the street is not only recommended, but healthy and necessary. Daylight and sun are essential to synthesize vitamin D. And this helps them fix calcium in their bones.

Going out on the street from day one is good for baby and mom

But going outside is not only beneficial for the baby, but also for the mother. Your recovery will be much faster if you practice some light physical exercise and change your air.

We can take the opportunity to go out with our baby to Take a walk when we make the purchase or run a message. Of course, we must use a convenient and convenient means of transport that allows us to move easily through the city and keep our baby safe and comfortable inside. The Chicco StyleGo Trio is compact, lightweight and functional. It combines manageability and comfort in just 50 cms. wide and has all the necessary elements to favor the baby's ride.

The time of the walk is one of the most insecure in first-time parents, however, babies love to go for a walk. All you have to do is get the right time of day and Take the baby for a walk with all your needs covered. Before leaving, make sure you have eaten and expelled the gases, that you do not have a dirty diaper or feel sleepy.

The outdoors and the hustle and bustle offer children a lot of sensory stimuli. Many even help them relax and sleep. To make the trip as pleasant and healthy as possible for everyone, it is best to choose Quiet pedestrian areas, garden areas or playgrounds. For the same reason, it is necessary to avoid areas with heavy traffic, areas with pollution and noisy or crowded spaces.

6. Accept the help of others

After the arrival of the baby, the schedules change, the routines are disrupted, the tasks multiply ... Sometimes, we simply do not have time to cover it all by ourselves. Any help, in that situation, is worth gold.

Seek support from family and friends who help without overwhelming

The most intimate and close to the family play a fundamental role. To cope with the situation much better, lean on them and Seek help from family or friends Trusted whenever you need it.

However independent and capable you are, the first weeks constitute a transitional period of greater difficulty for all parents. But after a while, everything will gradually return to normal.

7. Take time for yourself and your partner

The habits and intimacy of the couple are also disrupted with the arrival of a newborn at home. New responsibilities and fatigue make a dent. Faced with this new situation, The attitude is key.

Not locking yourself at home is an important factor. Having a baby is not synonymous with abandoning all social life. Even if he doesn't let you (or you feel like it) go out at night, you can always go out with him to the street, to eat outside, for example.

Take care to give your baby the best of you

You can also go out alone to the cinema, have a coffee or go for a walk. Surely you have a family member or close friend who would love to take care of the baby for a couple of hours.

By last, keep communication alive and have small details with your partner they are two other fundamental resources to keep you, now, more united than ever.

And don't forget to reserve time for yourself too. At first, babies require so much attention that it is very easy to forget oneself. But to give it your best, you have to take care of yourself.

8. Be clear about the essential items

Babies do not need as many things as we imagine. If you do not want the family economy to suffer or that the space available at home becomes smaller and smaller, think carefully about what items the baby will really need, and which are optional or totally unnecessary.

Evolutionary items are the most practical and cost effective

Babies need a safe place to sleep, bathe and be transported. The most practical and profitable products are those that are versatile and evolutionary.

For example, the Chicco StyleGo Trio has an XL carrycot, stroller, and 0+ car seat; It is a 3x1 that solves both the baby's rides and their movements by car. It is also a long-term solution, since it covers several stages of the baby's life, fully adapting to its development.

9. Create a family calendar to distribute household chores

Sit for a moment to decide what tasks each of you will assume after the arrival of the baby. No matter how you have been doing so far. You should keep in mind that during the first months the baby will demand much more attention from his mother, especially if he is breastfeeding.

Prepare a weekly calendar with the distribution of functions

The responsibilities of the new mother often also involve a new distribution of activities. Think about how much free time each one has, what chores are urgent, what type of domestic work is best for you and what tasks are faster and more efficient.

Make a list and then pass the new obligations of both to a weekly calendar. Fix it in a visible place to be able to consult it if necessary. For example: the refrigerator door or the cork board on the desk.

Do not mark tasks for the moment unattainable, such as making inventory of the storage room or cleaning the closet heights. Just try to keep the house up to date with small daily household chores, such as making food or sweeping the floor.

10. It accustoms the baby to travel by car little by little

At the beginning, you will always be late everywhere. To the doctor's appointment, to the family meal and even to the supermarket. Do not get overwhelmed, it is inevitable.

If this happens on small daily departures, Planning is essential when making your first long journeys. Try to leave home early because babies force several stops along the way to be fed, calmed, changed diaper or posture.

Gradually accustom your baby to car trips

Many babies have a hard time getting rid of their parents' arms when traveling by car. The baby should always travel in his car seat and it is essential that you do not compromise an iota at this point.

To make the process as pleasant as possible, it is convenient to make small trips by car through the city and increase travel time. This way your baby will get used to the retention system.

The Oasys 0+ car seat of the Chicco StyleGo Trio, is as comfortable as it is practical and is approved for the car ride of children from birth to 13 kg. Its padded shoulder straps and leggings, and its reclining headrest make the child's trip safer and more enjoyable.

11. Learn from the baby

As much as you doubt whether or not you will be doing well, keep calm and learn from your own baby. Watching him and spending time with him is the best way to meet him. You will be surprised how little time you will need to know how to interpret each of their gestures. In a few days, you will just have to look at him to know what he is asking.

Watching and spending time with your baby is the best way to meet and care for him

Take your time to study their reactions in various circumstances. He just came to the world and nobody knows what it is like, the things he likes and the ones he doesn't, how he will act in different situations or what he needs when he cries and protests.

As the baby grows, it will become more autonomous and everyday will become easier and easier.

Although the first months are the most chaotic, Do not despair or doubt your ability. Babies are not newborns all their lives. As they grow older, it becomes easier to interpret and attend to their needs while the family recovers their customs and schedules.

It is true that babies change our lives and disrupt the family routine a bit, but it is also that they open the door to a world of infinite and enriching experiences whose memory we will keep as a treasure forever.

Images | iStock / boggy22 / alice-photo / molka / monkeybusinessimages / Anna_Om / razyph.

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