Wake up from coma and discover that your baby is already three months old

His name is Amelia Bannan and has starred in these days one of that good news that comes after a tragedy. After becoming unconscious after a traffic accident, pregnant for 5 months, he woke up a few days ago from the coma to finally meet his three-month-old baby.

As we read in Clarín, Amelia, a policeman by profession, was traveling with her husband, also a policeman, and three other classmates, to take a course outside the city when they suffered an accident near Posadas, in the province of Misiones (Argentina) . Amelia was five months pregnant then, and was the only one left badly injured. A head injury left her unconscious and caused her coma.

This happened on November 1, almost two months before your baby was born, The 24th of December, a few hours before Christmas. Santino arrived early, although in good health, in week 34, and weighed 1,890 kilos.

Now, when your baby is more than three months old, she has awakened from the coma so she can finally meet him.

It started to move and the probe was torn off

From the moment she was born, her family was putting them together so that they "knew each other", that there was contact between them, in case that also meant some kind of trigger for her to improve even more. Last Thursday he began to move, the gastric tube was started and he even answered with a "yes" or "no" to some of the questions he was asked.

According to the relatives, from the first moment, after the accident, has not stopped going better. The culmination of that improvement has been his awakening, which for all is like a second miracle. The first, the birth of Santino on Christmas Eve; the second, the awakening of Amelia, who can finally meet her son.

But the forecast is unknown

Yes, it is true that he has awakened from coma and that is great news, because it is an improvement. But the forecast is unknown. Although he has answered some questions, it is not yet known what the damage can be and what the progression is. In this video you have below you can listen to a neurosurgeon talking about his case:

As you say, it has a lot of room for improvement, because it is very soon, so we wish you have the best possible recovery and that you can take care, even with help, of your baby, as was your desire before suffering the tragic accident.

Video: Woman wakes up from coma to discover she's pregnant (July 2024).