Your baby's first year: all this you will need (and life easier)

One of the main doubts of first-time parents is what do we need to take good care of our baby. There are countless products for babies in the market and in the end, if you do not inform yourself well, you can end up spending a lot of money on countless products that you will not always use. In this guide we analyze by sections what are the essential productswhich ones make you the easiest life and what are they simply from occasional use.

Choose a cream for the ass or a body moisturizer, find out if we should put the baby sunscreen to go for a walk, how to choose the shampoo and gel for their baths or how many diapers the newborn will use are some of the most common doubts that moms and first-time dads face. There are essential products and others that depend on specific needs and we can choose whether to use it or not, and both you can easily find them - and with a wide selection of brands - in the department of Parapharmacy of Carrefour.


Although nothing can be compared to breast milk, for some moms breastfeeding their baby is a complicated task for various issues (labor, health, etc.). If this is your case, worries out. Fortunately, the starter milks for babies They are specially prepared to meet the nutritional needs of children and are a healthy alternative in case breastfeeding is not an option.

The main brands of initiation milk They have similar characteristics and can be given to the baby from day one. It is very important to choose the most suitable milk for the baby according to the instructions of your pediatrician and also prepare them properly. For this, it is essential to carefully read the instructions of each manufacturer each time we prepare the shot and follow them exactly to ensure the correct feeding of the child.

The review of the six months will be the time to open the feeding of your little one to new horizons. Generally, at this time pediatricians usually explain the main recommendations to start giving the baby other foods besides milk, among which are gluten-free cereals (corn and rice, mainly), which are usually used by adding several small cups to the bottle of baby or porridge.

The beginning of the supplementary feedingWith the introduction of these first cereal porridge, it is an important step in your diet, and it is logical that you can create some concern for first-time parents who do not know how your baby will accept the new foods. The best weapon: patience.

Some parents choose to introduce cereals into their baby's diet by offering croutons, rice grains or a couple of cooked macaroni. However, other parents prefer to choose the comfort and speed offered by baby cereal preparations. In any case, cereals favor that the complementary feeding of the baby is healthy and balanced during its first months of life.

When the baby's adaptation to this new food has been proven, pediatricians recommend introducing gluten before seven months, little by little, using cereals that contain it (such as wheat) and in a very small amount during the first weeks.

We can choose to prepare your first cereal porridge at home, or choose from the wide range of special gluten cereals for babies on the market. With your first porridge, baby's meals become more substantial. For this reason, they manage to fully satisfy the nutritional contribution of the food and the child is usually left - if we get him to eat it well - completely satiated.

We must also bear in mind that there are multiple factors that can influence the timing, manner and manner of introduction of complementary feeding, and therefore on the onset of cereal consumption, such as the evolution of the baby's weight and size.

But in any case, there always comes a time when exclusive dairy feeding is not enough and it is essential to introduce new foods into the baby's diet to meet their nutritional and developmental needs.


There are some children's hygiene items that are optional during the first months of life. The specific shampoos for hair, for example, they can be replaced by gels softer for babies until the kids grow their hair.

On the other hand, the baby bath gels They are absolutely essential. Its soft formulas prevent the delicate skin of babies from getting irritated and does not sting in their eyes.

The hydrating creams They also help us take care of the baby's skin, much more delicate than ours, to avoid irritations and allergic reactions or rashes due to sweat or rubbing with the tissues. Our choice here must be very adapted to the needs of our baby, and we must observe carefully if it requires any special product.

For example, there are moisturizers with Solar protection They are a two in one because in addition to moisturizing, it protects the skin of the little ones from solar radiation. Body milks are perfect for taking care of your skin after bathing, and they even exist cleansing moisturizing lotions which gently and effectively remove impurities while allowing the skin of children to hydrate.

The anti-irritation creams for the baby's ass they may be necessary for the change of the diaper, especially if with the rubbing irritations and redness appear.

It is not necessary to use them every time you change the diaper to your baby, but it is recommended that you apply them after pooping or if you see that the area has reddened.

When changing your baby's diaper, and to prevent irritation, limit the use of wet wipes. These can be very useful to always carry over at the time of the walk, but in general it is much more advisable and natural to clean this area of ​​the baby's body with a soft sponge and water. The skin of the baby's ass must be clean and dry before putting on the new diaper.

Diapers for newborn

Diapers for newborns are one of the essential basics that most doubts generate in first-time parents. Size 1 is especially suitable for them, covers from 2 to 5 kg and practically all brands have it.

There's also newborn kits that include everything necessary for the care of the baby's ass (diapers, wet wipes, etc.) and that are usually very practical since they include a more advanced size (Size 2, which ranges from 3 to 6 kg).


Bottles and teats will only be necessary if you decide to feed with feeding bottle to your baby, since it is not advisable to offer water in them to babies who breastfeed their mothers. It will be when we start with complementary feeding when we can offer juices, infusions or water in them.

Whether we have to wait at six months or if we use them from day one, we can also choose the ones that best suit each stage of our baby's development. For example: slow-flowing teats adapt to the sucking rate of newborns, while bottles with handles and anti-spill systems are perfect as training for more autonomous babies, who need to practice drinking alone before going on to use. Your plastic cups.

And if your little one has a tendency to annoying cramps and gases, you can opt for anti-colic teats.

Pacifiers are another of the items for babies whose use most doubts generate in their parents since their use has advantages and disadvantages. Although it is often used to calm the baby, it is not recommended for use in nursing babies or before the month of life and after the year. However, the infant's sucking reflex is so strong and so innate that it is sometimes essential for the emotional stability of the baby, although should always be used sparingly.

There are pacifiers with physiological nipple, anatomical and silicone pacifiers. Choosing one type or another depends, ultimately, on the baby's own personal tastes. And beware, because they are usually very loyal customers of a certain type.

In any case, decide what you decide about what will be the essentials of your baby based on your needs and your own preferences, try not to get hold of mountains of units until you see that your little offspring also approves their use. In the end, they are the ones in charge!

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