What three things would you take from your house if you only had 30 seconds to get them out? Children teach a lesson about the important things in life

Have you ever thought about how you would react to an emergency? If you had only 30 seconds to leave home, what three things would you take? What really are your most valuable assets? Dulcinea Studios conducted a social experiment with twelve people, six adults and six children, to answer this question.

Adults often forget what really essential things are, and we only notice them when we lose them. But luckily there are the little ones to remind us. In this video, children give us a life lesson about the important things in life.

The participants did not know what they were going to or who was on the other side of the screen. Feel the adult on one side of the screen and the child on the other side. First, they ask the adult to name the three things they would rescue in thirty seconds from their homes about to be destroyed. The answers are: the bag, the wallet, the documents, the laptop ...

Then it is the turn of the children, who respond to the other side of the screen. It is only there when adults realize that it is their own children. The children answer that they would take their pets, a box of memories, the stuffed animal they sleep with, a medal, the toy when they were a baby, the book that Mom likes ...

It is clear that the priorities are very different. And although parents are more practical, often We minimize those things that do not have a material value, but are really the most valuable. Another thing that we should learn a little from the little ones.