Save your baby's life thanks to disobeying the instructions of several doctors

In addition to doctors, doctors are people; and as such, they also make mistakes sometimes. This makes what we are going to tell you happen today, the case of a baby who was saved thanks to his parents being carried away by his sense of smell, his instinct, which told them that it could not be what they were being told .

It's the story of some parents who insisted that they see their baby again and again until they finally found the diagnosis that saved his life, the story of parents who saved their baby's life thanks to disobeying the instructions of several doctors.

The mother realized thanks to the massages

Nicola Carpentermother of the baby called Alec, I used to do massage following the techniques I had learned in a course to put cream and relax, and one day he noticed a bump on the top of one of his legs. He had never been there, he had never noticed her before, but that day there was a lump that caught his attention.

As we read in The Mirror, the baby had a visit with the nurse to give him the vaccines he had at 12 weeks of age, and the mother took the opportunity to discuss it with her. It was a slightly swollen lymph node, so the nurse told him that it was not dangerous, and that it was normal (it is very common for children to have slightly swollen glands occasionally).

However, that lump was followed by others and the mother began to look for who would make a reasonable assessment, which apparently never came. They saw the baby three different family doctors and the three told him the same thing: that it was nothing important or dangerous and that nothing had to be done.

'It's your first child, right?'

Apparently, and this is one of the complaints of the mother, every time he went to the doctor explaining the case, they answered him with this question: if he was his first child (who would confirm the suspicion that it was a mother who I worried a lot about it), and if the birth had been traumatic (and so it was even more overprotective).

And in one thing they were right: Alec's birth was complicated and during the first four hours he had to receive assistance to be able to breathe, because he was not able to do it alone. Perhaps thanks to this, the mother decided that she was not satisfied with being told that she was normal and that she was only a mother too worried.

Two visits later made the diagnosis

Tired of being ignored, and seeing that the baby had even swollen eyes and the surrounding area darkened, they went to the Ipswich Hospital. There another doctor attended them and told them that he was suffering a neurofibromatosis, a disease that causes tumors in the nerves, that has no cure, and that is progressing over the years. Therefore, they were told that they should return to their family doctor so that he could follow the case.

However, they refused to believe that he was right and did not stop until an oncologist visited them right there in the hospital. And it is that the state of the child was increasingly compromised. It didn't seem like that was a long-term illness, but something that was making it worse every day.

That's how the oncologist told them, seven weeks after the mother found the lump, that Alec had a phase four neuroblastoma (a cancer of the nervous system that spreads to the lymph nodes).

He has already celebrated his first birthday

Recently the baby was able to celebrate his first birthday, and at this time he had to go through major surgery to remove a tumor that he had in the chest and four sessions of chemotherapy. For the parents it was quite an odyssey, logically, because they saw how the treatment that should cure him left him much worse, every time they put it on.

However, once it was over, everything started to go better and now Alec is a child who should follow his controls, but that is growing normally, happy and happy.

After all this, the mother says that she has no resentment towards doctors, but would like to urge them not to be tempted in their assessments. tag a mother, as if that were the answer to the pathology of many babies, which can be very real.