She went to the hospital because she thought she had kidney stones and half an hour later she gave birth to her baby

These stories of "I didn't know I was pregnant" seem unlikely, but the truth is that we meet them quite frequently. Stories of women who, beyond their personal circumstances, are being mothers by surprise. The shortest pregnancies in history, such as that of a woman who found out she was pregnant three hours before giving birth, another who went to the hospital for a bellyache and left with twins, and one of the strangest, that of a woman She took a bath without knowing she was pregnant and went out with a baby.

Well, the story we tell today is that of a mother of three children who He went to the hospital because he thought he had kidney stones when the doctors gave him the news that he was 38 weeks pregnant and that he had gone into labor. Half an hour later she ended up giving birth to her baby.

Stephanie Jaegers, a mother from Georgia, woke up that day with severe abdominal pain. He felt pains similar to those of menstruation that grew stronger as the hours went by. He also felt pain in the lower back and felt discomfort when urinating, so he believed he had stones or "stones" in the kidney, one of the most unbearable ailments that can be traversed.

But no, they were not kidney stones. The reason for his mother's intense pain was that he was in full labor and almost gave birth at home. Just half an hour after arriving at the hospital, Shaun Jude Jaeger was born, a baby of just over three kilos.

How is it possible?

Those of us who have gone through a pregnancy (and some more than one) do not explain how it is possible for a woman to give birth without knowing that you are pregnant. But there are particular circumstances that can make us understand the motives a bit.

Stephanie had been diagnosed as premenopause years ago, a condition that involves hormonal imbalances and whose symptoms may have been confused with those of a pregnancy. Another explanation given by the father is that the baby was buttocks and could not move so Stephanie has not noticed.

He also says that his wife has had menstruation throughout pregnancy, something doctors say is not so rare. Finally, Michael Jaegers explained, the mother broke her ankle a couple of weeks ago and has been at rest with limited movements all this time.

Via | Washington Post
In Babies and more | Fifteen years after being diagnosed with early menopause, she became naturally pregnant and was a mother

Video: 47-Year-Old Gives Birth to Child An Hour After Finding Out She's Pregnant (July 2024).