Macho violence: the victims that are seen, women, and those who do not appear so much in statistics, children

Macho violence has obvious direct victims: women, but it also has victims who are too often excluded for no reason: minors.

According to the data presented since General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and those shared by the NGO Save the Children, The data is very strong in this regard and should mobilize us to demand that our rulers take appropriate measures as soon as possible in terms of child protection.

Both to protect the most visible victims, women, and to protect with equal efficiency the victims who do not appear so much in the statistics: minors.

The new data with which one works comes from The new Organic Law 8/2015 that has modified the system of protection for children and adolescents in cases of sexist violence and domestic violence, now also includes them as direct victims.

As effects of this new legislation, Suspensions of parental rights for sexist violence have increased by 280% only during the first quarter of this year.

However, for “Save the Children” as an NGO focused on the needs and problems of children, despite the change in regulations, they maintain that This new law cannot be considered an adequate tool to respond to the forms of violence that children suffer in our country.

Data that saddens

Protection measures for children and adolescents imposed by mistreatment of women have increased. Allegations of sexist violence have been increased by 12% and there has also been an increase in victims compared to the first quarter of last year. In this sense, the data make it clear that we continue to live with this scourge.

Measures to avoid danger or harm to the child have increased by 112% and the abolition of the visitation regime has also increased by 51%.

But nevertheless, 71% of children killed by their parents had not filed a prior complaint, neither they nor their families.

The CGPJ also highlights that fact: the low number of complaints filed by relatives of victims of sexist violence.

For the NGO Save the Children, child protection is simply "intolerable." Have denounced the insufficiencies in prevention of violence against children by the state and has warned that the cases are hidden and nobody denounces them.

According to Save the Children, the reporting mechanisms are not known or accessible to children, hence the invisibility of this drama, nor is there a data collection system that allows us to know the true scope of the problem, something that should worry us even more.

The prevention, protection, recovery and integration of underage victims should be a priority and not that the bulk of the measures are put in place once the act of violence has been committed, forcing the victim to revive them before the judicial bodies and administrative.

It is clear that much remains to be done in terms of child protection refers to the tremendous problem that is sexist violence in our country.

At the end of writing this post, we talked about almost 40 women killed by sexist violence in our country so far this year 2016.

Video: Violence against womenit's a men's issue: Jackson Katz at TEDxFiDiWomen (May 2024).