Why using the breast pump to know how much milk is produced makes no sense

One of the biggest concerns of women who breastfeed their babies is the amount of food they eat: "Will you eat enough?", "Won't I be producing little?", "Let's see if it is my son's fault he will lack food! " And is that women would go out of their way for their children and the shadow of guilt constantly plans over their heads, feeling fatal only with the suspicion that they might be generating a problem.

In the yearning to answer the question, to calm down, they choose to find a way to know: "I know, I will take out milk until I stop going out and I will know how much he is drinking." Or what is worse, once the doubt is explained to a doctor, he will tell you to do it: "Well, ma'am, if you have doubts about the amount of milk you produce, you only have to verify it with a breast pump."

And yet it's a big mistake and the first stone of a castle called "failed breastfeeding": Why use the breast pump to know how much milk is produced makes no sense?

Because a breast pump is not reliable

Taking out the milk with a breast pump is an act that may require a little (or a lot) of practice. There are many women that I have met in the office telling me that their son did not eat enough because with the breast pump he barely took 10 or 20 ml. And the couple insisting that they already had to have bottle fed seeing that, because his wife "doesn't make enough milk."

But nevertheless, just put the child on the scale To know the reality: if you gain weight well, it is impossible that you are eating only 10 or 20 ml. per shot, so something doesn't add up. The what? Well, that there are women who immediately take a lot and there are others who do not, because a breast pump is not equal to the mouth of a baby, and because sometimes it is not done well and starts with too much suction force or Cup that is used is not the right diameter (also, it is an art ... you have to catch the trick).

Come on, it makes no sense to take four drops and think that this is what the baby is eating, and less if the weight is right.

When it sprouts from oxytocin, and when not

But that is not all: in breastfeeding something happens that when it comes to pumping milk does not happen so much. Breastfeeding is an act of affection, responsibility, care, and when a mother takes her baby to breastfeed, just for the love she has, start to secrete oxytocin. Oxytocin is the love hormone, which is segregated when we are in good company, when we fall in love, when we make love ... and also when a baby is breastfed.

Interestingly (or maybe it's not so curious, but completely logical), oxytocin is the hormone that is responsible for milk ejection. When the baby sucks the breast the oxytocin activates the milk output, which will be greater as long as the mother secretes more oxytocin. If the moment is beautiful, of love, of love, more milk will come out than if the moment is cold, mechanical and without all the emotional component, such as putting a breast pump in the chest and giving the "ON".

That is why many women, when they have to express milk to leave their baby because they already start working, it is recommended that do it while your baby breast from the other breast, or if the baby is not there, do so looking at some picture of your baby, or thinking about him. For oxytocin to help and produce more milk.

Come on, to recommend using the breast pump to know how much milk comes out is how to recommend taking care of a doll to know what it is to have a baby.

And then how to know?

By the weight. Also for urine and poop, but especially for weight. The urine is difficult to know, because even babies who eat little urinate. The thing about the poops is a clue. If you do not make abundant poop, at least one or two a day and everything is "pedets", you could be eating little. But the most important thing, what says it all, is the weight. A newborn baby has to win about 120 to 150 grams every week. Nothing happens if you earn more, in fact it usually happens that way, but if you earn less, you may be eating less than necessary, and then you have to find out why.

It can be a bad grip, it can be a production problem or it can be some infection of the baby, which makes him burn calories despite eating very well.

Video: Maintaining a Healthy Breast Milk Supply (July 2024).