Eat and cook, the health we put on the plate every day, have you thought about how you eat?

More and more voices are raised to warn us that something we are doing wrong by not stepping on the kitchen but to heat the milk of breakfast.

The obesity of the population in the developed countries, the diseases that it entails, the precooked food products, the expense that supposes in our economy…

We could say that deep down to eat and cook everything is to start and that every day on our plate we put a little of our own health even if we don't realize it. Have you thought about how you eat? And have you thought about how you make your children eat?

The feeding of our children is something that usually leads us even if we sometimes forget our own food and do not realize that with that we are giving them a very negative example for their own health.

Without obsessions and with a little common sense, we can rethink what we eat and how we eat, we can redirect our eating behavior to eat better and therefore: live better.

You don't eat everything ... and nothing happens

We are bombarded with advertisements that want to convince us that children who do not eat everything we put on their plate have a problem, they are "bad eaters" and that will affect their health sooner or later.

Obviously, the solution we have is that we buy a product that solves that problem that we did not know we had. Basically because in general terms that problem does not exist.

  • Not all children they eat the same amount of food, their friend, their brother, their cousin can eat more or less than he or she and be all perfectly normal.

  • Not all children they always eat the same amount of food, today you can eat a fuller dish than yesterday or less than tomorrow and it is normal.

  • Not all children They take the same time to eat, they can eat the same thing but they need more time to chew, swallow, taste, taste even and it is perfectly normal.

  • Not all children they have the same need to eat every day, dined very hard yesterday or eaten lighter and that is why today or tomorrow they will eat more or less and it will be perfectly normal.

¿But it doesn't happen to you too And we are adults, why could it not happen to our children without it translating into a food problem?

Yes you eat everything

That is important and is in our hand. Our children, we have already seen that for different reasons and always following common sense, they can decide on the amount of food they eat at each meal but we are the ones who are obliged to offer you healthy foods, varied and quality foods. That is our obligation and above all our responsibility for your health.

And something that many times, too many times we forget: Let's be his example.

We cannot consider making children a meal different from the rest of the family if there is no medical reason to indicate it, as we can not consider meals either as a reward or as a punishment but there is something very simple that we could do with our Children so that their relationship with food is healthier and more natural: Cook with them.

Cook to eat healthy

Of course, it is clear that not every day we can cook together, but perhaps more than once we could prepare dinner together and we will always have the weekend to wake up the “kitchens” that practically every child has inside.

The data in this regard are not very favorable and we should take action as soon as possible.

We are losing cooking skills, that is evident, as it is also that the quality of our diet has worsened while we lost those culinary qualities and therefore our health has also worsened. The population's obesity figures do not stop growing and proving it.

As we do not know how to cook certain products, we stop consuming them and in the end we gradually consume more and more frequently processed and pre-cooked foods with a worse nutritional profile than what we no longer know how to cook and that we do not bother to learn to do so.

There are numerous observations that show that the more time dedicated to cooking, better dietary profile or what is the same, who else cooks has better eating habits, it has been shown that it incorporates more vegetables in your diet and consumes less sugary drinks.

Cooking is one of the best tools we have to improve our diet, to improve our health and that of our family and cooking with our children is an investment in their future.

Food revolution

In this regard, the British cook Jamie Oliver has been promulgating the need for a Food Revolution with which to spread better dietary habits among the general population, giving priority to the consumption of “Real food” against processed and precooked.

“For your health, cook what you eat” It is a bit of the force idea of ​​this campaign in which it has been involved for years and that it aims above all for children to learn to eat better, to prepare their food as much as possible and to know where they come from and how they are prepared. processed foods that they usually eat without realizing what that means for their health, so that they stop consuming them or do so much more occasionally.

Video: Healthy Eating - Portion Control (July 2024).