The beautiful collection of photos of the moment when moms know their babies

It is not the first time we have published photos of that incredible moment of connection between the mother and the baby, and I hope it is not the last for that reason, because it is only an instant, a second in which the mother sees the baby she has been waiting for nine months, and an incredible memory for them. Can you imagine having forever immortalized the moment you saw your son for the first time? Well, today we bring you a beautiful series of photos of a photographer who has managed to capture that moment in many occasions.

Surely you all remember how it was when you saw your baby for the first time, but sure few have that snapshot, because it is not usual for a photographer to be there to immortalize the moment. Now it happens more and more, and that is why we can delight with that little window to a precious event lived by other couples, in the rawness and beauty of their births and the emotion of the first hug.

In Babies and more A mother photographs her own birth and the images are spectacular

Monet Nicole is the American photographer author of all these photos. His specialty is childbirth, the capture of birth in various photos that end up telling A story full of love, suffering, pain, hope and joy. A cluster of emotions in constant imbalance until the baby is born and everything is put in place.

As you can see, they are not prepared photos, much less. She is just a secondary actress who waits with her camera for things to happen. And in that wait he ends up getting beautiful images.

To date it has been in more than 100 deliveries, most happened in Boulder, Colorado, and has worked so much for women who have had their children through natural childbirth as women who have given birth by caesarean section.

That first moment of union between the baby and the mother also calls Monet's attention, and on his own Facebook he explains it like this:

There is something striking and incongruous in those first moments when they meet. How can something so recent also feel as familiar and old as our own soul?

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Monet has managed to find a way that a moment that many people do not like to see, where there is blood, vernix, amniotic fluid and more, it looks like something precious and worthy of framing.

The first moment of physical connection, which begins a relationship that will last a lifetime. From that moment, a few minutes later, the bond of the cord that unites them is broken and that of love is strengthened, that of responsibility, that of "I will always take care of you the best that I know and can", that of happiness and the darling, the one of learn what it is to love without expecting anything in return.

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Photos | Monet Nicole
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Video: Cutest Mother Son Moment! (July 2024).