Seven beautiful photos of working mothers breastfeeding their babies

Although the mother has all the will to continue doing it, being a working mother and continuing to breastfeed the baby is not a path of roses, although it is not impossible either. Unfortunately, maternity leave is so scarce that it becomes difficult to reconcile both and much more to continue breastfeeding on demand.

To pay tribute to all those women who juggle to continue giving their babies the best, the photographer Tara Ruby, whom we have already met thanks to her viral photo of women breastfeeding, has published these seven beautiful photos of working mothers breastfeeding their babies.

A Las Vegas actress, a nurse, a bomber, a teacher, a doctor, a midwife and a pilot ... Seven portraits of women wearing their work uniforms that breastfeed their babies, women who, like all of them, deserve the support of institutions and companies to continue doing so for as long as they and their children decide.

Photos | Tara Ruby
In Babies and more | Businesses also benefit from breastfeeding, breastfeeding and work: what mothers need to make it possible

Video: Breastfeeding in urban Africa - toward empowering working mothers through innovation #WBW2015 (May 2024).