Is your baby very strong and turns red to poop? Infant Dysquecia

The crying of babies is their way of communicating with us and asking us for help to do something, and the logical reaction of the parents is to try to calm the babies, to return them to a state of calm in which they are well again.

One of those moments is when they want to poop and do not get it, and it is a hard time because parents would like to do something and do not know what, and they see that the baby is strong, turns red, arches and cries without getting it. It is what is known as baby dysquecia, and today we are going to tell you what it is.

Disquecia of the baby, but that is not constipation?

When an adult fails to defecate, he suffers, complains, makes efforts and feels pain to throw the fecal bolus because it is hard and relatively large. It is what we know as constipation. For this reason, parents usually make a rule of three when seeing in our baby the same symptoms: he complains, makes efforts, cries, turns red, arches and seems to suffer to poop. Then he does it, in the end, and then he stays calm. Conclusion? We think he has constipation, because everything matches.

However, not everything coincides, because what motivates these symptoms in adults is that the stool is hard, but when babies poop they make it undone, practically liquid, with some lumps, but totally soft. Only they usually make it rather doughy, with more density, when they drink artificial milk, which is digested worse than breast milk.

That is why babies are not said to have constipation, despite behaving the same way when they poop, because if you give an adult with constipation you give a laxative, they will start to poop more liquid and discomfort will disappear but if you give it to a baby You will make the poop even more liquid than it already does, but the discomfort will continue to be present on many occasions. And that is because What the baby has is not constipation, but the so-called infant dyskecia.

But what is infant dyskiacy?

It sounds like illness, or something that needs to be solved, but it really isn't. It is something normal and natural that many babies suffer and that disappears when time passes, like so many "evils" of babies in the first weeks.

The infant dysquecia It is an asynchronism between what the baby wants to do and what he actually does, by immaturity. I always explain it, in a colloquial way, saying that "the baby squeezes to poop but in his impetus to tighten it ends up also squeezing the culete, the sphincter, and can not take it out".

A slightly more technical definition would be the one you can read in the breastfeeding forum of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, where a member of the committee responds to a father explaining it this way:

There is a picture called "infant dyskecia" that is defined as at least 10 minutes of effort and crying before the emission of soft stools in children under 6 months. It is believed to occur because the baby makes the efforts to push with the anal sphincter closed, and that is why it costs. When the sphincter opens, the stool goes out without difficulty and the crying stops. It is a benign condition that usually improves spontaneously.

Come on, it's not a disease or a symptom of anything, but something very common in babies whose cure is patience and time, and in between, some massages in the belly (clockwise) to combine with the flexion of the little legs by pressing the abdomen a little (without going over), in case one of those managed to release the poop.

And you can not give infusions or stimulate the anus?

Infusions are not usually recommended because they won't help the baby poop (Remember, the poop is already liquid or soft, and the problem is that the baby is strong but does not open the sphincters), and because, although it calms the parents, they feel they are doing something for their babies, which It is caused by the feeling that even normal aspects of babies must be treated, considering them pathological and eventually causing more processes to be medicated than necessary.

Come on, you start with this and you can end up giving syrup for anything, or looking for a remedy for everything, and taking the child anywhere as long as they fix the other things that aren't even a problem: that seems to drool a lot , that it seems that a tooth might bother him, that I have seen him a granite, that I have seen him a little bit, that yesterday he cried and did not know why, that he eats little, that he eats a lot, that he does not stop still, that he is very still , who sleeps a lot, who sleeps little, that ...

The stimulation of the anus is the typical advice to put the tip of the thermometer in the baby's anus and make small rotary movements, matches with oil, the tip of a suppository or sprig of parsley, which eventually cause the feces to escape . It is a remedy that works but that it is not recommended to use in the case of babies because there is a risk of making the baby's anus respond more, then, to the external stimulus than to the internal one (increased pressure in the intestines due to the accumulated poop). Come on, you can get used to poop then only when it is stimulated, and then not only will we not have solved the dysquecia (which solves itself), but we will have made it worse.

Video: 16 Facts about Months 1 through 3. Baby Development (July 2024).