"When do you plan to get pregnant?" it's an awkward question you shouldn't ask

When a couple marry or have been together for several years, people start looking at them with the "when is the baby?" Face, as if having children is the natural next step. Some don't even cut themselves and make her the awkward question: "When do you plan to get pregnant?".

There are mainly two reasons why it is a question you should not ask: first, because it is a question that does not show interest in others, but interest in getting into their lives, and second, because there may be behind an infertility or health problem that the couple does not feel like sharing with you.

It is a more frequent question of what is believed, especially when two, three years have passed and the baby has not arrived yet. Suddenly, it seems that everyone is worried about your reproductive health. It is uncomfortable.

There are people who take it with humor

Matt and Abby are a couple with a lot of sense of humor that at the awkward question, launched a hint in the form of a photo shoot. Tired of being asked when they were going to have children, they had a baby photo session with their dog!

It was not in his plans to have children, but a very cute dog. Therefore, they asked a photographer friend to take a series of photos the day the puppy arrived in their lives. Thus they silenced the questions about his fatherhood.

Others respond by giving a good lesson

Instead, there are people who the question is already quite heavy. This has been made known to family and friends, Emily Bingham, a writer who has pretended to be pregnant by uploading an ultrasound photo to her Facebook profile.

Next to the ultrasound was a text that said:

Hello everyone! Now that I have your attention with this photo of an ultrasound that I took from a Google search, I just wanted to remind you that people's decisions and reproduction and procreation plans are none of your business.

Before you ask a young and married couple who has always been together when they are going to start building a family ... Before you ask the parents of a single child when they will give him a little brother or a little sister ... Before they you ask someone in your 30s when they consider having children because their biological clock is ticking… wait and think

He thinks that person may be trying to get pregnant, he may have infertility problems, or he may have had an abortion and find it painful to talk about it.

As Emily comments on her wall, before asking this question, stop and think that it can cause "pain, sadness, stress and frustration", so if you really care about that person, that couple, avoid asking the awkward question "When do you plan to get pregnant?". And if they do it to you, because there are people who have a zero level touch, feel free to answer: "It is none of your business".

Have you had to deal with this impertinent question? How have you felt? Share it with us in the comments of this post.

Via | ABC
Photo | iStockphoto
In Babies and more | Tired of being asked when they were going to have children, they had a baby photo session with their dog!