If you suspect that your child has a sleep disorder, these are the questions you should ask yourself

The dream plays a fundamental role in the development and well-being of children, favoring the processes of attention and memory, helping in the consolidation of learning ... But Every child is unique in their way of sleeping and on many occasions we think that something "fails" in this process.

We have already pointed out that it is not easy to determine if a child suffers from sleep disorders and what some families find habitual or normal for others involves a disorder. That is why a professional should value it and we have to look at, above all, if the way of sleeping affects the child's health.

Sometimes, so badly we have to wait for the child to grow, to mature, but we will observe that he is well during the day and his sleep does not affect his health. If the only consequence of your "sleep problems" is our tiredness, it is a normal and normal matter.

However, there are some key questions that can make us suspect sleep disorders, which are the following according to the "Clinical Practice Guide on sleep disorders in childhood and adolescence":

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During the day…

  • Do you have poor school performance?
  • Do you have hyperactivity?
  • Do you have behavioral disorder, aggressiveness?
  • Do you suffer frequent accidents?
  • Do you suffer from growing pains?
  • Do you have morning headaches?
  • Do you have a pondero-statural delay?
  • Do you have excessive daytime sleepiness (over five years of age)?
  • Does the child's behavior improve if he sleeps more?


  • Do you have frequent awakenings (three to five requirements / night, more than three nights / week (in children older than one year)?
  • Does it take more than half an hour to fall asleep? Do you cry?
  • Do you suffer from night snoring?
  • Are there respiratory pauses?
  • Do you have mouth breathing?
  • Do you show difficulty waking up in the morning?
  • Does it show excessive irritation upon waking up?

Remember that the detection of sleep related problems It must be done from a clinical setting, through questionnaires and a detailed evaluation of the child's sleep patterns (and not from the family setting, making a proper diagnosis). It is also important to note that, before the year of age (even after) there are no fixed patterns, babies need to wake up several times at night and that is healthy.

But these are some key questions we can ask ourselves at home when we suspect sleep disorders and if there is an affirmative answer to several of the questions, it is best to go to the pediatrician to make a more accurate assessment. Most times it will not be a worrying issue, but better clear up doubts.

In Babies and more One of every four children suffers from sleep disorders: how to help our children have a proper rest

Photos | iStock
Via | Clinical Practice Guide on Childhood Sleep Disorders
In Babies and more | What does my child have, a sleep problem or a disorder ?, Sleep disorders in children, when should I worry?

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