Recipes for the whole family: garlic bread, meat terrine, Danish pastries and much more

One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our section of Recipes for the whole family With ideas for children to try our dishes, eat more varied and move away a little from the typical children's menu of chicken battered with fries.

They are recipes made by our partners of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish and some desserts to give a little variety (and make your mouth water).


  • Garlic bread. Recipe with Thermomix: There are flavors that, although intense, are so delicious that they look good with any other ingredient. This is what happens with this garlic bread recipe with Thermomix, with a final result very compensated for those who do not like garlic exaggeratedly.
  • Baked confit tomatoes (Photo): Both to accompany a grilled meat or fish, and to add a different point to a salad, to this recipe for baked confit tomatoes I think you're going to take advantage.
  • Cereal bars with oatmeal, almond and coconut: I remember when the cereal bars began to appear in our market, because when I was a child they didn't exist in our country, or they were very rare. Today there are a thousand varieties and flavors, and the truth is that we love them at home. I prefer to make them homemade and this recipe for cereal bars with oatmeal, almond and coconut is my favorite.

Dish Recipes

  • Bagel pizza: On special occasions, we meet friends to watch a movie, a football match or simply for the pleasure of meeting and chatting. On those occasions, it is a pleasure to use quick recipes that allow us to enjoy without having to spend much time in the kitchen. Such is the case of the Bagel pizza, an express recipe ideal for a gathering of friends.
  • Baby beans with caramelized bacon and mint: The recipe for baby beans with caramelized bacon and mint is a dish full of contrasts since in it the sweet, the salty and the umami are combined getting a balanced and light recipe, ideal for a dinner.
  • Strawberry salad with sprouts and nuts. Healthy recipe: (Photo) We continue in strawberry or strawberry season, a delicious fruit that, in addition to being healthy, is very versatile in the kitchen. If you have not yet dared to try it in salty dishes, try a simple recipe like this fresh strawberry salad with green sprouts.
  • Recipe for baked picantones with lime sauce: Whenever my mother comes to eat at home, I try to surprise her with a new recipe. Partly because I love to entertain her, and partly because she is a very grateful diner and loves to try new things. So last time I decided to prepare some baked picantones with lime sauce, to see how it goes.
  • Terrine of meat, mushrooms and nuts. Again, thanks to my walks on the internet I discovered this recipe for meat terrine, mushrooms and nuts that we all liked very much. In addition, it has the advantage that it can be prepared in advance and we avoid last minute accelerations.


  • Individual curds of cottage cheese and sauteed strawberries Custards are one of the most popular desserts and that we all make frequently at home. On this occasion, to vary a little, I have prepared some individual custards and sauteed strawberries that have been a success.
  • Danish Butter Pasta: Who has no recollection of the mythical blue metal can full of butter cookies? Danish pastries were a whim of my father when I was a child, before I started baking family sweets, and they are still a product that is not lacking in stores. I couldn't resist getting the special cutter to recreate the Danish butter cookies at home.

And that's all for today. Enjoy these recipes very much and don't forget that next Thursday we will return with more ideas For the dishes of the week.

Video: HSN. Chef Wolfgang Puck - 06 AM (July 2024).