Quick guide for diaper changing

It is a question that, when you are not a father, can seem unattainable, difficult and a bit repulsive. But as soon as you start practicing it, you end up being an expert and you see that it is quite simple and you will get used to "living" with your baby's diaper and its contents. This is a quick five-step guide to changing diapers.

Because it is not so complicated and we hope it will be useful for those who will soon have to start dealing with meconia, poop and various pee.

  • Have everything ready. Extend the changing table if you are away from home in the right, stable place and place everything you need at your fingertips. At home, everything is usually prepared in the changer area, but it does not hurt to check from time to time that nothing is missing. The reason for these preparations is that we cannot leave the baby alone in the changing table if we have forgotten something.

  • Take off the bottom of the clothes (body, bubbler, leggings ...), open the dirty diaper and lift the baby by the ankles to the area of ​​the kidneys (with the straps up, without touching diaper or changing table) to start cleaning . Move the dirty diaper down so it doesn't rub your skin.

  • Clean the diaper area well, using special wet baby towels or a clean damp cloth. If the diaper is only pee, you can remove it from under the baby and place the new one. If it is poop, you can fold to "wrap" the dirty part and move the diaper so that the clean part is where we support the baby if necessary. This is so to try to avoid staining the stool changer (since cleaning in the case of poops is more laborious and has to be more thorough). Remember to check all the folds to see that there is no dirt left.

  • Add to the culete protective cream (one of the essentials in baby cosmetics) that insulates the skin from moisture and feces, preventing irritations of the delicate skin, so exposed and prone to them.

  • Remove the dirty diaper and place the clean (This can also be done before adding the cream, once the area is clean). Check that you put it correctly (back and front as appropriate), with the stickers at the level of the navel (if you still have the cord with the clamp, it should be below). The diaper should not be squeezed but it should remain tight to the baby's body (do not use inappropriate sizes to avoid "setbacks"!).

Finally, remember that diapers still do not have an alarm to warn when they are wet (at least those we normally use), so do not forget to check the baby every so often to avoid excessive moisture and redness or irritation. area, dermatitis appears ...

We hope this quick guide for diaper changing It may be useful for you, it can show us all that it is not so difficult to change the baby and keep it clean ... until the next change, that sometimes it will not take long ... You will see how at first it seems that diapers overlap!

Video: Quick Guide to Diaper Change (May 2024).