His niece wanted to go from princess to see Cinderella but she was embarrassed: he also dressed as a princess!

It seems that we are always waiting for children to grow up, mature and finally become part of the adult world. In that step they gain experience, seriousness and maturity, but lose innocence, purity and, in a way, magic. Maybe adults would have to try to remember what our childhoods were like to let the childhood be longer, so they don't change so soon.

Remember, as it seems that Jesse Nagy, a rather unknown actor, did that He stayed with his niece to go to the movies and he ended up dressed as a princess, like her.

That day was going to be like any other. Jesse and his 4-year-old niece Izzy had stayed to watch the movie Cinderella. When they were at home, preparing to leave, the girl confessed that since she was going to watch a princess movie, she would like to wear her princess dress too, but that he was ashamed because no one else disguised himself.

This is where the good Nagy chose to do what the vast majority of adults would never do. Many would tell you that nothing happens, that quiet, that surely there are more girls in disguise, others that if it is what you want, you should not care what others think, that the important thing is to have fun and enjoy and others would say, maybe , that if she gives "little things", she could always be dressed normally, and then when she gets home to dress up as a princess.

And eye, I do not say that the previous ways to solve it are wrong, because "Do not care what other people think" seems like excellent advice, but of course, the uncle of the girl is unparalleled, because it is the same phrase but magnified (see if you have to care little what others think that I will also go as a princess) and that is why their photos are giving Around the world

He decided that if they were going to watch a princess movie and his niece was going to be a princess, that would be the "Princess Day", so he called a friend to borrow a princess dress and together they went to the cinema as you see them. The actor posted a photo on Facebook and soon received thousands of likes. Already in the cinema, one of the workers photographed them, hung the photo (the one that heads the entrance) in Reddit, and there are already more than 2 million people who have seen it.

Don't you think all the kids would like to have an uncle like that? Shouldn't the elders try to recover some of the magic we have lost? There I leave it, so we can think about it a bit ...

Video: Uncle Dresses As Cinderella For Niece. .Goes Viral (July 2024).