Did you do something to give birth? A pregnant woman dances the "Thriller" on video

It usually happens that when the probable date of delivery approaches the wait becomes impatience. It usually happens that when it is overcome, impatience is transformed, perhaps, into nerves, because people start talking about caesarean sections, inductions and expectations that everything would go well begin to fade.

Then women begin to search the internet for ways to advance labor and end up finding different methods, among which exercise, or dancing.

This is what this woman, pregnant with 40 weeks, that decided to dance the "Thriller" by Michael Jackson In case he succeeded.

In addition to deciding to dance, he had the idea of ​​recording and uploading it on YouTube, and what happened many times happened when someone hangs up such a video. She has started to run and run, out of curiosity, to see how a pregnant woman does the choreography, and there are more than 2 million people who have seen it.

His name is Bonnie Northsea and he decided to do it because someone told him that dancing "Thriller" was a good method for advancing labor. As he explains in the video "Here I am, with my 40 weeks, on February 11, acting like crazy."

And so crazy, apparently not having a good time because her husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer a month ago, but the video has made her have a good time. When she sees it, she laughs so much, so much of herself, that at least in those moments she feels more lively.

Exercising and dancing had heard that they could induce labor, but not that you had to dance specifically this song. Have you ever heard it? And answering the question I ask you in the title: Did you do something special to give birth?

Video: Dancing through Labor Video - Brigham and Women's Hospital (July 2024).