Do your children help you with housework? the question of the week

Set the table, sweep, pick up your toys, take your dirty clothes to the basket, bathe alone, etc. There are many tasks that our children can do, always respecting their development, of course. But many times every day and the lack of time does not allow us to give them that small space of independence that is so good for them and that will help them so much in the future.

So today we ask you:

Do your children help you with housework?

Last week we asked you, What do you think about the time change with children at home? And these have been your answers:

iskandervv commented:

Terrible, today is Thursday already and my son has been waking up almost an hour earlier all week. Quarter past six (it has been 5.55 today) and he gets up and tells me "love, I don't want to sleep anymore". And there is no way for him to go back to sleep. And that keeping the same routines and falling asleep at the same time. In the afternoon he asks to go home, despite having several parks nearby and well lit. Luckily, he now entertains himself playing alone!

nymph032001 commented:

Maaaaaaaaaaaaal. I do not like. The children and I are waking up at the old hour, before the alarm sounds, while at night they are not sleeping before and we are all irritable. Above we have run out of late! As soon as they arrive from school, it gets dark, with hardly any time to park. And I do not like half of the day in the dim light either, in the morning to go to work I do not care if it is even at night, but it seems that you arrive from work and you no longer have life, before you could enjoy a little light .

And finally mamatequiere said:

We hardly make change. I explain myself, the elder still goes to the store, so I have the flexibility to take him before and after. We all get up an hour before and do it all before, so at night we also go to bed before, which in summer give us so many. The little one with a month and a half because this clock does not matter, heh, heh.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: LIVE: Taking Your Housework Seriously. Questions & Answers with Flylady Kat (June 2024).