A nice gift for children: personalized pictures / story

Last summer I discovered these beautiful sackpacks, and with them a company called byValera formed by five sisters, and that manufactures items by hand.

Thanks to their way of creating and producing, they can make totally personalized things that will surprise children and fill us with satisfaction.

Now they prepare for the Christmas campaign, and present these pictures - story made through a 3D recreation, and that may come to reflect a bit of the child's life.

They are pictures - story because the kids are the protagonists of an image that includes his name, photography, and to which elements that define the child are incorporated.

Your tastes, your hobbies, dreams ... may be part of a unique and unrepeatable scene that they will watch hundreds of times, and it will be a beautiful memory for you when you grow up.

Video: illustrated personalized children's books - personalized children's books with pictures (July 2024).