The worst cherub paintings in art history

One may think that painting a picture of a child in angelic pose does not represent a great challenge, smooth skin, curved lines, pink skins, blond and wavy hair, light eyes, sweet smile and we already have our child Jesus, Cherub or little angel.

The problem lies in the fact that it is not something as simple as it may seem to the naked eye and the noble art of the pictorial representations of angels can be transformed into true devilish dolls and our young model can already be the best child of the court that goes to be portrayed as the exorcist girl for the remains. In the following video we will present a series of the worst cherub paintings in art history.

And we have everything from children with very bad character to others in which the artist is clear that it was not his thing to deal with children and decided to create a clone of himself, even paintings in which it is difficult to know that The artist wanted to express when he painted the child in such a pose.

But it is better that you see it for yourself and tell us that you have looked like it and if you know any example, but do not come to me with the portrait that your mother-in-law did to the girl last year that we already know the affection that you have some to The parent of your partner.

Video: Why babies in medieval paintings look like ugly old men (July 2024).