Statistics for the whole family in the European Night of researchers Madrid 2014 with Stat Wars

We have gone to the Carlos III University of Leganés to see the event Stat wars within the programming of the European Night of researchers Madrid 2014. The event has had a high participation rate with a full auditorium in which several were presented success stories of students and doctoral students of statistics of the University. In addition, the attendees were involved through a set of questions and answers about the interpretation of statistics that served to earn a great T-shirt With the image of the event.

And is that the statistics, which is a scientific discipline widely used in almost all areas of knowledge, admits the presentation of very attractive and interesting presentations. I lacked to put more emphasis on the need to learn mathematics from childhood and even a little STEM although concepts that are in full swing like Big Data were presented. The presentation was a interactive show with participation, fun moments, a lot of diffusion and practical cases and of course a lot of emphasis was placed on the need to create critical awareness when using the data. In addition, videos and images of films and series such as A Wonderful Mind, Big Bang Theory, Numbers, Moneyball, 21 Black Jack and some more were projected.

In this video you can see what many people in the area near the Carlos III University of Madrid think about statistics:

We had a great time and learned that we have to have critical vision and question almost everything they tell us. They also taught us very interesting projects on climate change, the analysis of emotions in the brain, the odds and football teams and surely many young attendees have been able to find in these initiatives stimuli to study this subject.

Video: WW2 - OverSimplified Part 1 (July 2024).