Contacting strangers through the Internet is a very risky practice

Last Wednesday a study called Galicia was presented “Mocidade on line”, which sought to determine the risks that Galician teenagers assume in their relationship with the Internet.

The participation in this project has been so high that the sample error is only 0.3 percent; and the items included in the survey of more than 44,000 adolescents, were related to the possible uses / abuses committed in the Network.

The work allowed us to conclude that the level of risk of Internet addiction among Galician adolescents is moderate

On a personal level and reading the results, I am not so worried about that almost 98% of boys and girls who connect daily (something that is already normal in studies and social relations); but the fact that just over 13 percent, exceed five hours on the same day, five hours is a lot, and 13 out of 100 is enough, considering that people who range between ages considered early (12 years) and almost adults (17) are spoken of.

Teens and social networks

93 percent have registered with a social network (including instant messaging applications), and more than half, in four or more. In addition to the difficulty of managing that presence, combining it with studies, extracurricular activities, and adequate rest, it turns out that sometimes they occur improper and even risky practices.

For example, more than 31 percent of respondents have acknowledged that they have contacted strangers in cyberspace; and 17 percent had accessed web pages of erotic content (as I always say, it is not as alarming if the user is 13 years old, if he is 16).

In lower percentages, adolescents have participated in an episode of cyberbullying or sexting, as inducers or victims

About 4% were threatened with the publication of their own photos or videos without consent. 9% felt once threatened or humiliated through the Internet and almost 7% admit to having threatened, harassed or humiliated others in cyberspace.

Not only risk practices ...

Since 14 percent of the participants are in medium-high risk situation regarding a possible dependence.

The levels of problematic use detected are higher among children whose parents do not control their use of the Internet, regarding those that limit it; among students of private centers that are arranged in public; and in urban environments with respect to rural ones.

This is a pioneering work nationwide, whose line of work was defined as early as 2011.

Images | N i c o l a More information | Valedor do Pobo In Peques and More | Teens on the net: having few offline skills increases the possibility of Disocial Behaviors on the Internet, Teens and technology: use can become abuse. How to put emphasis on prevention

Video: Safe Web Surfing: Top Tips for Kids and Teens Online (July 2024).