Edible sponge cake and chocolate dolls. Recipe to make with children

These Easter days, my nieces were at home and we took the opportunity to cook some fun recipes together. What they liked the most was to prepare these edible sponge cake and chocolate dolls What we did together The result was not aesthetically perfect but it was a pleasure to have fun cooking with them and I think that the experience you want to do with your children.

The dolls are about cake-pops or biscuits, made with leftover sponge cake and cream cheese, which we then decorate with various types of chocolate. The recipe is simple and prepares quickly but as we do with children, it can help us to spend a full or entertaining morning or afternoon.

Ingredients for 10 sponge cake and chocolate dolls

  • 200 g of sponge cake (I used leftovers from a homemade sponge cake but you can also use muffins, sobaos, etc.), 50 g of Philadelphia cream cheese or similar, 100 g of white chocolate, 100 g of dark chocolate cover, balls and hearts sugar for eyes, mouth

How to make cake and chocolate edible dolls

We start making the dough that it will be the stuffing of the dolls head. To do this, we mix the remains of the cake with the cheese and work them with a fork until obtaining a more or less homogeneous dough. The children will have fun doing the work and also want to try the result.

Then, so that it is not too pringoso, we store the dough in the freezer for about ten minutes, while we are preparing the lollipop sticks or cutting some soda straws into pieces to make the sticks. When removing the dough from the freezer, the children have to form the balls as if they were playing with plasticine and in each of them we prick a stick to make the cake-pop. Once the balls are formed, we store them again in the freezer.

We melt all the white chocolate with 50 g of dark chocolate to make a light brown chocolate. We do it in the microwave with two batches of one minute. We bathe the biscuits fresh from the freezer in the chocolate and see how it hardens immediately.

My niece Irene couldn't take it anymore and suddenly he began to eat his first dolls, even before putting his eyes on his face and hair, moment I took the opportunity to take some pictures.

We glue the eyes and mouth in place using chocolate as glue. Then we put the dolls back in the freezer while melting the rest of the dark chocolate to make the hair. Once melted, we put some chocolate in the upper area of ​​the doll and with the help of a fork we mark stripes to make the strands They will determine your hairstyle.

This part is very fun and although some of the dolls get a little dirty, girls really enjoy the different expressions that result depending on where we place our eyes, how the hair is, etc. Finally, we let the dolls finish drying well by placing them in a glass and we try to convince them not to eat them until after eating.

Processing time | 1 hour including rest in the freezer Difficulty | Half


These edible sponge cake and chocolate dolls are very tasty, especially if we store them in the fridge so that the cake and cream cheese inside are a little harder. At the first bite you can see the contrast between the chocolates on the outside and the cake on the inside. For adults they are a little sweet but the little ones love them, at least my nieces make them crazy.

Video: How to Make Mini Cakes in an Easy Bake Oven! (July 2024).