Strap with harness to hold children

I have always found them frightening straps with harness, also called tutors and known in English as child leash They are used to hold children.

There are some designed to support the baby that begins to walk, but I mean those used to hold the child and although it sounds scary to keep it tied around the back near the adult. In Europe and Latin America its use is less frequent, at least I have seen them little, in Venezuela I have never seen anyone using them, but in the United States their use is more common.

The idea of ​​seeing a child tied up like a puppy seems horrible to me and I had never thought about using one before. In my favor there has always been the fact that my son Rodrigo has never been a risky child of those who run out in the middle of the street.

However, in a few days we will go on vacation with my three-year-old little boy and I am terrified of the idea that in some very crowded place, or for a small distraction from us, Rodrigo could lose us and find himself without mom and dad in an unknown place where he didn't even You can communicate by language. I am sure that it will be almost impossible for me to be able to keep him sitting in a stroller, as every child his age loves to explore. So just as a precaution I have decided to buy the Harness Buddy on Amazon that you see in the photo. Most likely, I don't use it but at least I have it if I need it.

What do you think, would you use one?

Mamidelux also talks about the subject.

Video: Graco How to Replace Harness Buckle on Toddler Car Seats (July 2024).