"Pull the thread" of learning

Today we continue talking about learning and creativity, in the context of White Pedagogy, putting the ways in which we can help children enjoy this process more and make it much more meaningful and permanent, to motivate them. I will explain today in detail what we are talking about when we refer to "pull the thread".

When we talk about pulling the thread it is necessary to clarify that I present it as a resource to improve the educational experience, not at all as a single method and we are not working from a radical constructivism at all.

Pull the thread It serves all educational contexts and can be applied to school, to the learning that children do at home with their parents and, of course, to homeschooling, in which, no doubt, it is easier to use.

Discover the topic of interest and passion of the child

Sometimes, surrounded by stimuli and obligations, children and adults lose the ability to recognize the topics of interest and passion of the other and of oneself. But observing and giving us that time that sometimes seems to be missing, we can recognize it.


Children, when we are talking or doing things related to that topic of passionate interest seem to flourish, we even notice their physical tension, their passion, as important as the engine of the educational experience. Just observe without pressure and sprout. Your eyes open, your questions flow. They want to know more.

The interests of children will vary throughout their childhood and also their adolescence. In fact, even we adults are capable of being passionate about new themes and experiences throughout our lives. It is something so human, the most human. Let's enjoy it.

For each child in each moment there will be a theme that arouses his passion. In reality, there is no educatively despicable subject, we can all "pull the thread". Moreover, to promote the child's self-esteem and not limit their motivation, it is good to accept any subject they love, as absurd as it may seem, and get used to sharing with them the emotion.

Pull the thread

There is no age in which we are going to stop being able to use the educational strategy that is "pulling the thread". I use it with my son who is already starting High School (Ninth, which is equivalent to our Third of ESO), although in reality it is already very autonomous and this is his favorite method of learning. I give you a simple example.

We love "Game of Thrones", a series that many will surely know. With her we have pulled the thread and surely, if your children like medieval knights, you will be able to do it, adapting it to their age. I had read the novels years ago and then told him the adventures of the characters, because he was too small for the themes and the violence of the live story. Then we saw the seasons of the series and now he reads the novels. So far, understandable. Can we "pull the thread" with Game of Thrones? Infinitely

We have analyzed the historical events, cultures, places and societies in which it is inspired: Vikings, Hadrian's Wall, barbarian invasions, the Celts and their mythology, the Normans, the chivalrous ideal, tournaments, the concept of honor , the assessment of virginity, matrimonial customs, the role of women in the Middle Ages, polytheistic religions and magic, real and imaginary geography, the use of natural resources, nomadic peoples, piracy.

We have talked about psychology: primal injury, psychopathy, dissociation, toxic relationships in families. We have talked about deeds of gesta, novels of cavalry, goliardos poems, Nordic sagas and the importance of monasteries as a refuge from culture. We have spoken of love, of duty, of Machiavelli, of the tensions between monarchy and nobility at the beginning of the Modern Age. And also, Heraldic.

All that has been a "pull the thread" continuous inspired by a novel that has made us learn History, Politics, Culture, Psychology, Literature ...

Another example. One of our favorite series: "Doctor Who". Now, with the 50th anniversary, it became rabidly fashionable, so possibly many have known it. We followed her years ago with passion and this month of December we dedicate it to see her again but working on the contents.

Each chapter is an opportunity to "Pull the thread" and investigate with your children and students (or yourselves) a large number of topics: time travel, the structure of reality, the Parallel Universes, the impact of our actions, War and Peace, Rome, England Victoriana, Shakespeare, Dickens, Rome, love, freedom, the media, ma, mental nipulation ... offers a whole educational program that you just have to dare to look at. We have even gone to fan conventions of the series, which has been a very enriching socializing experience.

But, you may wonder, is it possible to do this with children under six? My strong answer is that if, of course adapting to your interests and your favorite topics, we will go deeper into it later, with concrete examples that you will see, surely, to be able to use in your homes and classrooms.

Video: Will Smith Surprises Viral Video Classmates for Their Kindness (July 2024).