International Day of certified breastfeeding consultants (IBCLC)

Today an important day is celebrated for those who defend breastfeeding because the International Day of certified breastfeeding consultants (IBCLC, acronym in English of International Breastfeeding Certified Lactation Consultant).

It is the only degree worldwide that certifies that a person has the theoretical, practical and ethical knowledge in breastfeeding to dedicate professionally to the care of mothers and training in this field.

They are mothers, pediatricians, nurses, midwives or people from any field, most of them women (although some men are also there) who help mothers who want to breastfeed their babies so they can have a happy breastfeeding. His work is carried out in hospitals, health centers and private consultations.

Accreditation is granted after passing the exam offered by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE), which certifies it as a health professional, and must be re-accredited every five years to guarantee the updating of their knowledge.

Nowadays there are 86 consultants in Spain and more than 26 thousand accredited IBCLCs in about 90 countries grouped under the ILCA (International Lactation Consultant Association). If you are looking for a lactation consultant in your area you can find it here. It will resolve any questions or concerns you may have related to your breastfeeding.

From Babies and more we want to honor the work of the consultants who work daily as silent ants, supporting mothers and aware of the importance of breastfeeding for society.

Video: How I Became an IBCLC (July 2024).