The preconception visit, essential if you suffer from any chronic disease

Preconception visits are those that are made to the doctor before becoming pregnant, when we plan to have a child. In this case, in the interview the gynecologist will ask for the woman's medical history and advise her about the healthy habits necessary to prepare the pregnancy, while addressing possible doubts.

This consultation is essential before becoming pregnant for any woman, but especially if we suffer from a chronic disease such as diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease, thyroid ...

This is because these cases make it necessary closer control of the disease so as not to put pregnancy at risk. At the same time, depending on the different cases, adjustments or changes in treatment are needed, something that only the doctor can do.

And there are many medications that can be detrimental to embryonic development, so all women are advised not to self-medicate and consult with the doctor any health problems.

If the woman is taking a medication continuously because she suffers from a chronic illness, one should not wait for the pregnancy to occur to consult the doctor. Whenever possible, when planning pregnancy should be consulted with our usual doctor and the gynecologist to avoid risks.

further The preconception visit is used to assess the general state of health, identify risk factors that may complicate pregnancy (our, but also our partner's), advise on healthy habits, review the future status of the mother, the medical history ...

They will also recommend taking a supplement of folic acid and iodine to prevent malformations and various diseases in the fetus. In short, everything you need to plan a healthy pregnancy.

If you suffer from a chronic illness but the pregnancy has not been planned, before the first suspicions or symptoms of pregnancy you should go to the doctor so that you can make a confirmation diagnosis and consider the changes in the medication and the risk prevention measures for the months left ahead.

In summary, If you plan to get pregnant and suffer from a chronic illness it is important that you make a preconception consultation to the gynecologist. You will have the keys to a healthy pregnancy for you and the baby. By the way, do not keep the agenda because soon you will also have to make a prenatal visit ... to the pediatrician.

Video: LIVE IT: Importance of Nutrition During Pregnancy (July 2024).