Being born in week 37 is not the same as being born in 42

It is said that a baby is considered term when born between week 37 and week 42 of gestation, but between them there is a huge difference. Nothing less than five weeks, a fundamental time for the development of the baby.

Evidently being born in week 37 is not the same as being born in 42. Therefore, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has decided to introduce some changes in the definitions of what a term delivery is.

According to the new definitions they have given:

  • Babies born between weeks 37 and 39 will be considered "early term".

  • Babies born between weeks 39 and 41 will be considered "normal term".

  • Babies born between weeks 41 and 42 will be considered "late term".

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Every day inside the uterus is essential

On the other hand, babies born before week 37 will continue to be considered premature, while those who do so with more than 42 weeks will continue to be considered post-term.

They have thought it necessary to make this little qualification to make it clear that the results vary according to the moment in which the birth occurred, and every day that the baby passes inside the womb is important for its development.

It is clear that babies born in week 37 present greater risks than those born in week 40, since they have not benefited from essential days for the maturation of your lungs.

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Also, in the last weeks of pregnancy the baby increases approximately 200 grams per week, accumulates fat that will allow you to better regulate the temperature outside and to improve the functioning of the organs, among other things.

On the other hand, being born before week 39 is related to major respiratory, auditory or learning complications, to name a few differences. Two weeks, one and even days, can be key in the development of the baby.

Not only for the maturation of your lungs and weight gain, staying in the womb until the baby decides when to be born is also essential for brain development, therefore they recommend do not advance labor if there are no clear reasons to do it.

In addition, it is good to clarify that induced deliveries and caesarean sections scheduled before week 39 are not considered normal term deliveries, and therefore they are advised against.

Video: Born at 28 Weeks - Mateos Story. Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA (July 2024).