Go to the child psychologist

Today many children require psychological or psychiatric care, and, although in some cases I think there is an excessive tendency to consider pathological normal behaviors, it is convenient to be alert. Let's see in which cases it may be appropriate go to a child psychologist or to a specialized psychiatrist.

Children, in their evolution, pass regressive stages, fear of separation or aggressiveness. The demands of modern life are not always adapted to their evolutionary needs and make us expect behavior that is too mature for their age. The arrival of a little brother, the beginning of classes, or other changes in his perception of the world, including language acquisition, could trigger alarming symptoms that will happen with patience and respect.

However, sometimes if necessary go to a specialist and it is the parents who can first realize that something is wrong.

Sexualized behaviors and language not appropriate to their age are perhaps the symptom to always pay attention to. Sexual abuse is a terrible but undeniable reality and this is one of the possible ways in which it is detected, although all children who present it do not mean that they have been abused. What is always to be heard and trusted is a story of abuse, however incredible it may seem to us as the identity of those who point as guilty.

Aggression is another issue that should not be taken away from. A child who reacts with unusual violence and anger may suffer from a disorder or be in a situation that makes him react in this way. Excessive tiredness, permanent boredom and melancholy should alert us to a possible depression.

As I said the regressions They are a natural part of the psychic evolution of children, as when we take a few steps back to give ourselves momentum before jumping they may also sometimes need to return to the chest, bottle, pacifier or diaper at some stage, whether there is a change notable in its environment as for reasons that remain hidden and that the child does not know how to verbalize. We must be attentive, respond with empathy, without negative judgments or scolding. With patience. But if the situation gets stuck and we perceive that the child is suffering, we must not discard help from a respectful professional.

Children also suffer depression, loneliness, worries. You have to know how to perceive them. A child who refuses games, friends or has difficulty transmitting his love may need support.

He school It is not always the most appropriate area for child development. Children learn by playing, they need to move and acquire knowledge in an experiential way, not by repetition without creativity. Many children are classified from very young as hyperactive or problematic, but perhaps a change in the school system may benefit them more than medication or etiquette. In this we parents have a great responsibility, the diagnosis of hyperactive is very serious and should be ruled out other causes. However, the difficulty in concentrating or enjoying activities that require a certain capacity for introspection should alert us.

It is also convenient to be vigilant if the child is excessively reckless and puts himself in danger without assessing the consequences of his actions, or if he suffers accidents regularly.

Some symptom Generals should also alert us: not looking at our eyes when talking to each other, making repetitive movements, rocking, walking strangely, making repeated meaningless sounds and manifesting poorly or excessively formal speech can indicate problems, which we must address especially if they are attached to a poor empathy for others, agitation without cause and inability to express their own feelings. Making faceless gestures and not listening regularly can, if they are excessive, also indicate the advisability of seeing a specialist.

Returning to school we must attend to the fears of the child, especially if when he goes to school he has real panic, urinates or cries after the adaptation period. The first thing, especially in the little ones who start school or daycare is to get the adaptation period Be as respectful as possible with them.

It is completely normal that a child does not want to separate from his parents to go to an unknown place without attachment figures in which he has confidence, especially when they are young children who do not understand well or the need to return to our work or that we are going to Go back for them. In those first moments, crying, clinging to us, being sad or aggressive, showing little affection or attachment to exhaustion is normal and the best way to help them pass this stage is to be, at least, respectful of their feelings.

But if the problem extends over time we must be alert. There are children who do not adapt to the routines of a school or a teacher who is too hard, and benefit from a change if possible. Others, even the youngest ones, may be suffering from situations that would make us unbearable adults themselves. That they hit you, belittle you or not let you play is not normal and nobody has to endure it with a smile or becoming aggressive to survive.

If our children a partner beats or bites them, we must give it as much importance as if they did it to us. They suffer too. You have to stay tuned for your fear or anger at going to school to detect situations of timely bullying; and above all, allow our children, from small, who have confidence in us to tell us their problems with the assurance that we will take them seriously.

Finally, and also referring to the school environment, we must bear in mind that smarter children can refuse studies if they get bored in class. An intelligent, active child with an interest in his surroundings who has insufficient school performance may need specialized support measures, since they are often children with giftedness those who feel excluded and discouraged at school.

Therefore, do not rule out going to a child psychologist in the cases that are necessary, it can help our children to face problems that if we attend as soon as possible they can have a solution or improve greatly.

Video: What Does A Child Psychologist Do? (July 2024).