Highlights in Babies and more: July 22-28

Today Monday, as every week, we stretch a summary with the highlights of the week, in case among children, heats and water you have not had enough time to read our news.

Since we are in summer and as the sun starts to hit hard we have talked about sunburn in children and babies, what to do and what remedies to apply.

As many of you are going to travel by car looking for new destinations (or you are going back), we have explained how to drive from an early age and enjoy it.

Related to pregnancy we have talked about those moments of anguish in which my baby is not well placed, what can I do?

We have also touched on the issue of the parenting philosophy of each family, asking if it is possible to breed with attachment when you have three (or more) children and explaining what happens when the expiration date arrives at the issue of raising with attachment.

In reference to children, when they are ill, we have known fantastic news: Parents can be in the ICU with their children 24 hours a day, finally.

On the feeding of the little ones, a little information to achieve what is recommended: Five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, it is possible!

As for everyday things, nothing better than a little humor explaining what happens when we go to the supermarket with the children.

In the question of the week, to give us your opinion, we have asked you the following: How do children entertain themselves in the car?

Finally, tell you that in the space Peques Seguros de Peques and more They have told us about children from 12 to 18 months: the first steps and how to protect them from bumps and that in Between moms They have explained to us how to start breastfeeding on the right foot with these tricks.

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more find them interesting, enjoyable and practical. We will work to make it happen.

Video: News Highlights Week 28, July 11-17, 2016 (July 2024).