Situations that make emergency doctors angry, the viral thread of a pediatrician that has caused controversy in networks

All of us who have children have been, at some point in our lives, first-time mothers and fathers, although in my opinion, we never cease to be so because many things we learn on the fly and as our children develop. When it comes to your health, sometimes we can get carried away by anguish and end up visiting the emergency department more times than necessary.

An emergency pediatrician has posted a thread on Twitter with some of these situations, naming "types of parents" and situations that can make emergency doctors angry.

In Babies and more17 pediatricians and experts in children's health that follow in social networks to be well informed

David Andina is an emergency doctor and as such, he sees different cases every day in the hospital where he works. Now, through a series of tweets published on your Twitter account, has shared some of the situations that can make the doctor angry in charge of classification in the pediatric emergency department.

How to anger the doctor in charge of the Classification in the Pediatric Emergency Department of a hospital?
Based on real facts. To laugh, cry and especially to reflect.
Me: "Good morning. Tell me, what is the reason to go to the ER with your child?"
Thread goes

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

As he explains, all the scenarios he shares are based on real events, and His intention, in addition to laughing and crying, is to invite reflection, mainly so that parents are more aware when taking our children to the emergency room.

In his series of publications, he shares various types of parents and situations he has encountered while working, such as those who ask to also review the brother of the child they were taking for consultation, or those who take the children for review before leaving Travel:

Father / mother: "It is that as we have brought the brother because he has a fever because you already look at me too."
Me: "But something happens?"
P / M: "No ... Well, yes ... A week ago I coughed at night but it has already passed."

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

P / M: "We are going on vacation tomorrow and we want to know if we can go quietly."
Me: "But is something wrong?"
P / M: "Last week he had a fever one day but since it is a five-hour trip we want to know if it is safe to leave."

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

P / M: "Look, he has a fever. We have gone to his pediatrician and he has told us that it looks like a viric picture. We have not been calm and we have gone to the hospital near home and have been given an antibiotic. Now we do not know what do, so let's see what you tell us here. "

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

P / M: "We have gone to the pediatrician and he has told us to come to do an x-ray."
Me: "Can I get the flyer?"
P / M: "He has not given it to us."
Me: "I'll see in the computer system ..."
P / M: "We haven't really been to the pediatrician but he's been coughing for a month"

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

P / M: "He has had a fever for two days."
Me: "Okay. When have you been given fever fever for the last time?"
P / M: "He played the paracetamol two hours ago but I have not given it to you to see it with the fever peak."
Me: 🤦‍♂️

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

Within the various scenarios, it also includes some types of parents that may be difficult at the time of the consultation, such as "he who knows more than you", "the rude" or those who turn to homeopathy first instead of consulting a doctor first.

P / M: "There has been a blow to the forehead and this bump has come out. I come to you to do a TAC."
Me: "Have you vomited or lost consciousness?"
P / M: "No".
Me: "Missing scan but surely the TAC is not necessary"
P / M: "Well, I'm going to another hospital."

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

P / M: "It is that in the park a mother has told me that my son has a slightly flat head and maybe needs a helmet."
Me: "And have you gone to your Health Center?"
P / M: "No. He has told me that it is better to see the neurosurgeon directly."

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

P / M: "He has been with a fever for 3 days and I have been to the pediatrician every day and he only gives him paracetamol. He has no idea because I had pneumonia last time. I say that there will be tests or antibiotics."
(Spoiler: surely neither tests nor antibiotic)

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

P / M: "It is that we were walking through El Retiro and since we are here we have approached to see if there were many people in the ER. As it seems that there is not much mess then to see if you can take a look at these granites that has been for three weeks. "

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

P / M: "He has been coughing for a few days and I am giving him this homeopathy syrup. Since yesterday I notice how difficult it is for him to breathe so we have given him Bach Flowers but it seems that instead of improving he has a harder time breathing ..."
(Spoiler: I ended up in the ICU)

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

P / M: "Your ear hurts for an hour."
Me: "Have you been given something for the pain?"
P / M: "No. We preferred to bring it to the ER directly."
Me again 🤦‍♂️: "We will start by giving you the appropriate dose of Ibuprofen for your weight."

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

(Friday afternoon and Sunday night)
P / M: "I am his father / mother and I come to explore the child before giving it to the mother / father to make me a report that he is healthy."

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

After showing examples of these 12 situations that can make the emergency doctor angry, The pediatrician explains that this has been done to promote the rational use of emergencies, and especially invites parents to use common sense and think if it really is something that merits going to the emergency room.

PD: I am not a supporter of co-payments in the public system or similar measures. Yes, I am in favor of health education and to promote a rational use of the Emergency Department. If you see yourself reflected in this thread, don't worry. But think if it is a real urgency for the next one.

- David Andina (@daandina) June 19, 2019

Everything is summed up in COMMON SENSE.

- David Andina (@daandina) June 20, 2019

The reactions in social networks

The thread, which has been shared more than 1,200 times and has about 1,800 likes, has had various reactions. On the one hand, Some have chosen to laugh because they are very real situations that they have also had to live, both the doctors and the parents who once got carried away by worry.

But on the other hand, some people have shared examples from the point of view of parents, in which some situations mentioned by the pediatrician finally turned out to be emergencies although at first glance it did not seem so.

It happened to me that the girl had "mamitis" with 11 months, although thanks to my insistence another doctor saw that what made her cry were her tibia and fibula fractured and not the "mamitis".

- Monica Sanchez (@ MonicaS73) June 19, 2019

Strongly agree with the critics by jetas and others. But, please, a little understanding. My 1st time in Pediatric Emergencies (2 months): "You have some fever, it's nothing. Apiretal Dele". I feel idiot. Second time (14 months): "You have bronchiolitis. How have you not come before." 😳

- Estrella Alonso (@EAdelBarrio) June 19, 2019

As well there was who took it with humor and asks the doctors to understand the parents, who can get carried away by anguish (who does not care to see that your child is having a bad time?):

Doctors, please be patient. Sometimes it is an excess of concern and we need to medicate. Don't you think? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤭🤭🤣

- Ivonne Pico F (@picoivonne) June 19, 2019

Although it has caused controversy and has left very divided opinions, the central idea of ​​its publications is valid: many people go to the emergency room when it is not necessary to do so, which could delay attention to children who really need it.

What to do? A work together, maybe. On the one hand, that parents educate us a little more in terms of child health and resort more to common sense, and on the other, that doctors understand that in most cases there is a real concern on the part of parents and be empathic with them.

Video: Tick-Borne Disease Working Group Meeting - May 10, 2018 (July 2024).