World Down Syndrome Day: 50 mothers, 50 children and an extra chromosome

Surely you already know the format Carpool Karaoke popularized by the British humorist James Corden where in a section of his program he locks up with a celebrity in a car and they start singing. In this case the video has managed to thrill even the creator of this idea, as explained in his Twitter account.

Carpool Karaoke stars 50 mother with her children with Down syndrome to raise awareness about this disorder and send the message that they would not change anything they have experienced so far.

Today World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated and therefore the Wouldn't Change a Thing platform has published this video where we can see 50 mothers singing with their children with Down syndrome in the car. In addition, in the video we can also find Chloe, the little girl who today encouraged us to wear uneven socks.

They all met through a Facebook group called "Designer Genes" Created for parents who have a child with Down syndrome born between 2013 and 2014.

Currently the video already exceeds million and a half views on YouTube and in it we can see both mothers and children making a series of gestures inspired by the Makaton, a system designed to help people with learning or communication difficulties based on using signs or symbols along with speech. The idea comes from the British organization Singing Hands that uses music to help children with communication problems.

The chosen song has been "A thousand years", by Christina Perri, or better known as the Twilight soundtrack, who has been excited because her theme has been the selected one.

I'm honored they chose my song!
my heart is so full !!! # wouldntchangeathing # WDSD2018
💜 // / AA5bPsarU6

- christina perri (@christinaperri) March 16, 2018

Now we leave the video for you to get excited about these beautiful children and spread their message: having a child with Down syndrome is not scary, it can be a wonderful adventure.

Video: 50 Mums. 50 Kids. 1 Extra Chromosome (July 2024).