Changes in vision in pregnancy? Visit to the eye doctor

Little is said about the effect that the action of hormones can have on the vision of the future mother, but the truth is that it can lead to visual problems in the future if it is not consulted on time. So, If you notice changes in your vision during pregnancy, do not hesitate to visit the eye doctor.

Most of the changes are physiological and seasonal, that is to say that they pass once the pregnancy is finished, for example the dry eye, but if you notice discomforts that are not treated by a specialist they can cause more serious visual diseases.

Ocular edema, as happens in other parts of the body is caused by the accumulation of fluid in body tissues, and also in the eye. It causes blurred vision, so if you suffer severe and constant headaches, habitual swelling of the extremities and eyelids in the morning, tell your doctor. It could also be a sign of gestational preeclampsia.

Eye doctors warn that during my pregnancy myopia is accentuated, which can lead to an increase of up to a diopter, which in some women returns to normal or improves months after giving birth, while in others it does not.

Some women may suffer intolerance to contact lenses while others need to change the graduation of their glasses, although there are also more serious problems such as diabetic retinopathy, a complication of gestational diabetes that can pose a threat to eyesight.

It is important that the future mother go to an ophthalmologic review to rule out any problems. Still, if you notice vision changes in pregnancy you must make one visit to the eye doctor to relieve punctual discomfort and prevent major evils.

Video: Vision changes during pregnancy (July 2024).