Tips to deal with exam anxiety

The tests generate anxiety in children for different reasons, in fact adults also experience it when we face tense situations. The ideal situation is one that leads to the little one can control his condition so that it does not affect him too much.

We know that exams do not accurately measure the knowledge of children because other factors (in addition to having studied) may intervene in which the test works out more or less well. However, they constitute a very common evaluation method, and students can successfully confront them. organizing time well, this will make them feel more secure, let's see how we can help them.

Who suffers from exam anxiety?

Adrenaline is the hormone responsible for our body preparing for danger, which prepares us to react to danger. It occurs when we are under stress, and causes physical reactions such as vomiting, tremor, sweat ...

So anyone can suffer a certain degree of anxiety before the exams, on condition that they 'live' the situation as dangerous (although it is not). It is fundamentally influenced by the thoughts that children may have (I will not be able to approve, I sure do not know the questions, I forgot to study the last part of the subject, etc.), therefore it is expected that the control of Thoughts can act successfully in the control of the 'nerves'.

All students may have anxiety during exam time, although perfectionists, those who suffer from excessive pressure from their families, those who do not get enough rest at night, or those who have not studied well are more vulnerable

Control the nerves when there are exams

This section includes some tricks that will allow you to recover your calm during the hours or minutes before the exam: as I have already mentioned, a good organization (starting several days before preparing) makes it easier for students to feel safer on the day of the test.

In this way and during the previous day, only a brief review of the subject will be necessary. But is that enough? Let's not lose sight of the need for children to sleep well the night before, and to have a balanced breakfast the morning of the exam.

Up the positive thoughts!, we are the parents responsible for teaching them that any thought can become positive: I have studied enough, I will do my best, I will read the questions carefully so as not to be mistaken, I will not be distracted, I will review in the end to verify that I have done well.

That day it is forbidden to arrive at school just in time, it is also a good time to put into practice the advice of parents on how to perform controlled breathing to relax (inspire and expire slowly four times in a row, avoiding inhaling excess air).

Don't get lost during the exam!First, the questions that are known are answered and then they are passed to those that raise some doubts, leaving for the end those that 'at first sight have them confused' or do not know the answer. It is necessary to ask the teacher the meaning of a statement that they do not know, understanding what is expected of them, it is easier to answer well.

Tips for families

To help our children let's start by understanding them and empathizing with them (The exams are not 'a dish of taste'), and then serve as a guide for organizing. Understanding children also means avoiding reproaches when later the results are not as expected..

Thus, it is important to understand how they feel, and what concerns they have regarding the exams, but it is also to serve as support for issues that they will later develop for themselves.: place and hours of study, necessary material, etc.

As for the way of studying, it is proven that a good organization with a lot of time ahead makes things easier, allowing - in addition - that the children continue enjoying enough free time even if they are 'of exams'. Previously we have given you some clues that can guide you with children in second, third cycle, and we have also talked about the ELSER method (which we can use in the last year of Primary and first of Secondary).

And if before a result worse than expected we should not reproach, when the grades are good to me personally I do not like to reward with material goods, but yes congratulate the children for the effort, and make him notice that we are proud of him. The award for dedication is the satisfaction that everything went well.

And finally, we must be able (all) to learn from mistakes in a positive way. For example it is much better 'Do you think you could have studied differently?' a 'I already told you not to leave it for the last days, you are a mess!' It is necessary that they themselves find a way to advance and rectify failures.

Images | Probably Okay !, bathe in light, Memorial Public Library On Peques and More | Practical guide to help children with final exams, Recommendations so that anxiety does not interfere with children's daily lives, how can we help our sons and daughters in studies?

Video: How to Beat Test Anxiety and Take on Exams Without Stress (July 2024).