In Portland, children go to school by bicycle

In Portland (northwest of the United States) they are clear: the school is walking or cycling, that is sustainable mobility and the rest ... This may have been necessary to change habits, but the local administration has had a lot to do by establishing 'safe routes'.

This sounds strange to us because we take the car to take the children to school when we live two blocks away, but we must know that modernity is also taking care of our surroundings.

In fact in some European and American cities it is common to see how people go to work, shopping, the University, even opera! cycling.

The use of the bicycle this school year, has increased 36% since autumn 2011. Never before had those records been registered. And if the bike + walk option is taken together, it turns out that there are almost 42 percent of the families that use these 'clean' means to take the children to school.

As for motor vehicles, the car (even sharing with other families) or the bus is still used, but its use has been reduced.

It was a movement driven by an organization that promotes bicycle transport, although obviously a compromise has been necessary to improve the infrastructure around the schools. Accessible parking, safe crossings, bike lanes are needed, but it seems that the political will had it secured, so it is much easier.

From here, for this success of sustainable mobility, for the education that children are given with these habits, and for getting a city a little more smoke free.

Video: In Portland, Oregon, Every Day Is Walk and Bike to School Day (June 2024).