Guinness record for donating 330 liters of breast milk

There are so many absurd Guinness records that this one, although strange, certainly deserves special mention for the generosity of this mother: Alicia Richman, 28, has won the Guiness record for donating breast milk. He has donated nothing less than almost 330 liters of milk to Mother's Milk Bank of North Texas.

Alicia gave birth to her son in March last year and when she realized that she produced much more milk than her son needed and that her freezer was full of milk cans, she thought about the possibility of donating it to other children who might need it.

Donating milk is like having the opportunity to breastfeed a lot of children. In fact, they estimate that hundreds of babies have benefited from the milk donated by this mother, mostly severely ill and needy premature babies who could not be breastfed by their mothers.

There is no doubt that breast milk is the best food for the newborn, although it cannot be from the mother itself, it contains protective properties against infectious diseases that could endanger the lives of premature babies, so donating breast milk benefits many babies.

Winning a record is obviously not the end of any mother who decides to donate. There are many anonymous mothers who do it every day both in Spain and in the rest of the world in a totally selfless way that they deserve all the recognition.

Via | Guinness World Records In Babies and more | Where can I donate breast milk in Spain ?, Who and how can I be a donor of breast milk?

Video: This English Farmer Has A Surprising Trick For Increasing Milk Production (July 2024).