What are the essential hygiene habits for children?

As we grow our will have to receive some care and Essential hygiene habits for children and also, learn to do them for himself.

In our review of the essential hygiene and cleaning habits in a home with children we have talked about the hygiene of the pregnant woman, what we should take special care when the baby arrives at home and also the cleaning of this. Today we will talk about Essential hygiene habits for children and in the way we can help them achieve them.

Wash your hands: priority

He hand washing It is the most important and priority of the health and personal hygiene habits that we should apply to children. The hands are the fundamental vehicle with which we come into contact with other people and all kinds of objects and surfaces and, therefore, are potential sources of contagion.

Since we were little we have to wash children's hands with warm water and soap, taking care to do it correctly. First, with the little ones, we will do it and soon we will ask them to collaborate, approaching a high bench to the sink and helping them.

Little by little they will learn how to do it alone and it is important that they achieve it, especially if they go to daycare or school, where we cannot be attentive. If they are not going to go to school until later, it is not necessary to worry too much so that they acquire the habit well done at a certain age and we can, calmly, continue helping and supervising so that, little by little, they get it.

I am not in favor of saying an age at which they should handwashing Alone or doing well without help, each child is different and has personal maturation processes, so my advice is these: example, supervision, patience and respect.

It is essential to instill this important hygiene habit in two ways. One is by example, we should wash our hands with them and see us do it in all circumstances in which we will expect them to do so: before and after eating, when going to the bathroom to do the necessities and when arriving home from the street. If we are sick or have touched something dirty, we should also wash ourselves and tell them that we are doing it.

The second way to help them internalize this habit of washing their hands is to speak to them, in a language appropriate to each age, about the reason for doing so. It is not because it is mandatory, or a custom, it is because it will help them be healthier and avoid infections.

Clean up when going to the bathroom

With the youngest children the hygiene of your private partsWhen they pee or poop, it is something that we should continue doing for a few years and supervising it a few more. It is also important that you wash your hands before and after using the bathroom.

The child can collaborate but demand that he do it well when his little arms do not arrive is absurd and more than independence what we are going to achieve is to catch an infection if we demand more than what they are prepared to do.

Cleaning the penis in boys and the girl's vulva and the anus of both is something that must be done carefully, preventing feces from coming into contact with the genitals and clarifying if necessary or possible. It is also important to dry the area after cleaning if we have used wet wipes or water.

It is a very important aspect of intimate hygiene and we should not neglect it even if the child has left the diaper or is in school.

Brush your teeth

Brush your teeth It is another of the hygiene habits that children must acquire, and do so, just like with their hands, with the example and help of their parents.

It is important to remember that dental cleaning should begin when the first teeth appear and that, even when they were able to use the brush by three years, it is not convenient to stop helping them until six, because otherwise we run the risk of not Do it well.

There's others Essential hygiene habits for children which are also important, of course: the shower or the bathroom when they are dirty, wash your hair, comb your hair (although I, with that, I am very flexible), do not stain or touch animal feces or stagnant water and learn to cough by covering your mouth and sneezing into a handkerchief or at least away from the faces of others. They are also important, of course, and you will need to attend to them.

Video: PERSONAL HYGIENE (June 2024).