Maternal obesity could influence ADHD

I echo a study recently published in the medical journal PLos ONE that has indicated that Maternal obesity could influence attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Researchers begin their work remembering that there are clear indications that adverse factors during fetal life appear to be predisposing to a greater chance that the child will develop symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and have investigated in the relationship of maternal obesity during pregnancy with the indices of this problem in childhood.

They took as a sample 174 boys and girls in their 7s who had been monitoring since pregnancy and birth, taking measurements during their childhood and taking into account other factors that could influence the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

His conclusion was that, quite clearly. They made measurements with neurocognitive tests and children's behavior to children, finding that a relationship could be found between worst results in attention and cognitive processing with which mothers had a high body mass index.

This investigation considers that the relationship between mother's obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) It is evident, although the factors that cause it are unknown, indicating that it is increasingly clear that neurodevelopmental disorders have their origin in early and fetal life.

Video: CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley - Possible link between autism and maternal obesity (July 2024).