Special Infant feeding: recipes for children between two and three years (I)

We continue with our recipes designed for children children in our Infant Feeding Special for Babies and more, this time specially dedicated to children between two and three years old, always trying to serve the family table and help families to have a healthy and balanced nutrition with little work.

With two years children, if they do not suffer from allergies or intolerances, they can already eat practically everything and we should have achieved that they do not have problems with solid food.

Recipes with nuts

After two years, children can already eat nuts, which, although they are very complete foods from the nutritional point of view, it is advisable not to introduce them into the diet before two years. First, because of the risk of choking, but also to avoid allergies and because of its high fat content. Now their fat interests us, because they are rich in fatty acids essential for neuronal development.

Some children may still have trouble swallowing them without choking, but we can include them in their crushed and raw diet in many recipes.

We will use the nuts raw, not roasted, because that way they will better preserve their vitamins and will not carry added salt. We can combine them with yogurts and add them to soups or creams, or use them to make very rich sauces that combine with many foods. Our recipes today will play with meats and blue fish that we have waited until now to include them.

Fish with almond sauce

We are going to play with fish recommended for children under three years, avoiding those with greater amounts of mercury concentration: bluefin tuna, swordfish, pike and shark. This recipe from fish with almond sauce We can make it with salmon fillets, grouper, clean sardines or fresh cod, even with small northern bonito, for example.

It is very simple in its preparation and delicious flavor, so it is not going to resist any member of the family. The fish, well cleaned of thorns, we will pass it through the pan with a spoonful of virgin olive oil and we will separate it.

Then we will make a garlic and onion stir-fry without them becoming dark and we will crush or beat that stir-fry with a slice of bread and a handful of raw and skinless almonds. In the traditional recipe, bread and almonds also become fried, but since we cook for the children, we will make it as soft as possible. We will add a strands of saffron, optional, and aromatic (dill or some fresh parsley leaves will combine well). The sauce will be very dense, so it is convenient to add fish stock or just water, before finishing the shake.

On the fish we pour the sauce and let it simmer for five minutes, until the fish is perfectly done inside.

The plate of fish in almond sauce It is accompanied by cooked potatoes, broccoli or carrots or any set of vegetables or white rice, which we will serve napadas with a little of the sauce. I assure you that there is no one who resists dipping bread.

Lamb with vegetables, couscous and nuts

The lamb has a lot of fat and, although it can be given already during the first year, it is usual to play with other types of meat before.

We will present it to children in a delicious way and with a cooking that softens it, but playing with marked and contrasted flavors, with a lamb with couscous, vegetables and nuts.

It is convenient to choose a piece with low fat, such as the leg, of an animal that is young, and ask to be cleaned well of nerves and fat. Split into small pieces we will leave it in a marinade of oil, salt, garlic, onion and orange peel with aromatic a few hours. Then we will skip it briefly (removing the marinade supplements) and cook it over low heat until the meat is very tender, so much that it falls apart with the fork, adding water or a broth made with the bones that give us once cleaned the piece but trying not to get too hot. We will remove the broth and beat it with a handful of nuts or raw hazelnuts, not too many, but enough to be well locked.

In the leftover broth of the bones or in water we will cook a handful of chickpeas and then, with little liquid, some vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, onions and carrots.

At the last moment, to the meat, we will add some raisins without bone or some dried plums, leaving them to be spongy and that we can remove if their texture does not please the child.

Finally, we can prepare some precooked couscous according to the package instructions, changing, if we prefer, the butter for olive oil. With a little skill in the kitchen we can start making the vegetables and pasta while cooking the meat, so the preparation time will be considerably reduced, or make the meat and vegetables beforehand and put the couscous to do when let's go eat.

We serve the three portions, lamb meat with nuts, vegetables and couscous sauce, but surely to eat it we will end up mixing everything. Don't you make your mouth water?

We will continue to offer recipes for children from two to three years within our Special on Infant Feeding in Babies and more. The next delivery, Friday. Meanwhile, eat well.

Video: Baby Food. 3 Lunch Recipes for 12 months above children (June 2024).