"If you put your hand in your mouth it is through your teeth"

Three or four months arrive and that baby who barely coordinated his gestures start directing your hand with intent towards your mouth and even begins to grab some things to also take them to the mouth.

Not only is he able to put his fingers a little to suck them, like someone who tastes them after eating something sweet with his hand, but is able to put his whole hand (or almost), bite it with the gums, even with intensity, leave everything lost of slime and even nauseous (for putting it so deep inside).

At that moment is when a mother says “uff, it takes a few days that he puts his whole hand in his mouth and hears, he drools a lot”, to which the grandmother, mother-in-law, neighbor or who is nearby says: "If you put your hand in your mouth it is through your teeth".

It's not a lie, but it's not true

And it is not a lie, because some babies, when they are with the exit of the teeth, tend to bite things and even put their hands in their mouths to bite it, but It is also not true, because the teeth do not come out at four months, but later.


Most babies start to get their teeth from 6-8 months. Some appear a tooth before and others later, but the average is around that age.

However, at 3-4 months, the vast majority of children begin to drool a lot and begin to take everything to their mouths, but the reason is not the teeth, but a very simple one: his mouth is everything.

The mouth, that great exploratory organ

When babies are born, their sharpest senses are hearing, taste and smell (not necessarily in this order), because they are the ones that can help them survive the most.

On a psychomotor level they have little or nothing to do because they neither coordinate enough nor have the necessary strength to fend for themselves. In addition, as their eyesight is very limited, it would not help them much.

On the other hand they have an enviable nose with which they easily recognize who their mother is and who is not, who is known and who is not (and that is why it is recommended not to wear colognes or perfumes to be with the baby), a very ear developed, with which they already hear inside the belly and recognize the voices once they leave, and a sense of taste, next to a privileged mouth, that in the absence of hands they act as an exploratory organ.

Through the mouth they know if something is hot, cold, what is its texture, its flavor, etc. It is the mouth that gives the information and not the hands. Therefore, as soon as babies learn to take objects, the first thing they do is take them to their mouths to meet them.

Even his hand, a great stranger, deserves to be explored to infinity, until the day he discovers that in addition to hands he has feet and that they also deserve his recognition.

So no, it's not the teeth. They could be, but most likely not. The funniest thing is that some grandmothers, when they see that babies have their teeth come out later, at 7 months, are still able to say: “See? I already told you it was the teeth. ”

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (July 2024).