Dads and Moms Blogs (LXXX)

As every week, we take a tour of the blogosphere to comment on some of the content that has been published in the moms and dads blogs. It is something we love to do because we discover wonderful experiences. This week I wanted to dedicate the compilation to multi-mother and father blogs.

I invite you to know a little more in depth how is the day to day, and the reflections of the fathers and mothers of twins and triplets.

In Raising Multiple We found a very useful entry that can serve both multiple parents and "simple". The dream of babies is something that always worries a lot, so it is very good to know what can be the causes of children not falling asleep. Understanding how babies sleep works and what is the root of sleep problems is the first step in solving them.

Refexiones of a mother (triple) psychologist It is a beautiful blog written by Natalia, mother of three "special" children who were born with 30 weeks gestation and are now 8 years old. In I confess makes a touching confession about the impossibility of breastfeeding their babies when they were born, despite having tried. The pressures and anguish of the moment made her feel overwhelmed. It is important to hear the voice of mothers who could not breastfeed their children, it is not a matter of guilt or judgment, of course. An entry that I recommend, I liked it a lot.

A very interesting news for multiple parents is what we read in Mother of twins. In Together or Separated. Parents choose to tell us that the nursery to which their children go has accepted that it is the parents who choose whether they want their children to go to school together or separately. Years ago it sounded unthinkable, but this mother's tolerance and effort sets a precedent for those parents who want a different education for their twins. Hopefully it serves to encourage other dads and moms.

For many families these will have been the first holidays with their babies, but being the first with three at the same time is a challenge to overcome. In Triplets parents They tell us in great detail how the first TRI vacations were. How they have organized with the three girls, day-to-day logistics and girls' first nights away from home.

In trestrillistigres There is a very practical entry that also serves both multiple parents and "simple". Purees is a post just published by Cintia and that can come in handy when we run out of inspiration in the kitchen. She, who has to prepare so many purees, gives some trick tales and recipes for meals and snacks. Take a look.

Finally, in Crushed We found a one year post balance with triplets. He reviews some of the best and worst moments of the year since he had his three children in his arms for the first time until today, who have just completed their first year. Reflect on sorrows and joys and constant learning of motherhood. !! Congratulations!!

I hope you found this virtual tour of the multi-mother and father blogsAnd, of course, you are invited to leave in the comments the URL of your blog, if you also have it, telling your experiences.

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