Condemned to pay 120,000 euros for firing a pregnant woman

Today I bring you, happy, the news of an exemplary sentence that has condemned a company to compensate a mother with 120,000 euros and readmit it in his position.

Mothers with young children and pregnant women are victims of unfair procedures in some companies, ranging from workplace harassment to dismissal.

However, there are few who decide to fight to defend their rights, given the idea, often based, of not being able to provide enough evidence or that, readmission would turn their professional work into a nightmare. However, the law must be on your side as has happened in this case.

The Social Court number 6 of Valencia has condemned a company to readmit a worker whom she fired when she was pregnant and to compensate her with 120,000 euros for the damages caused.

The case is even more bleeding. This mother had already been fired the previous year, in June 2009, while she was on a reduced day to take care of her eldest son. The company alleged economic causes but Court number 7 ordered its readmission, considering the null dismissal.

The mother, who was pregnant again and the company was aware of it, returned to work on May 3, 2010 but the next day she received a new letter of dismissal.

And again, he claimed his rights, deciding now the Court to be readmitted and compensated with 120,000 euros for the damages caused.

I am very happy about this sentence and I congratulate the judge who has taken it, because we need the protection of the labor rights of mothers to be something real and that we all know that we will be recognized. Only this type of sentences will make women not afraid to complain and that companies think about it long before discriminating against mothers. And of course, I congratulate this brave mother who is an example for all.

If the judges fail in favor of women who are discriminated against as has happened in this case, in which the company must readmit the worker and compensate her with 120,000 euros, things will change and our society will be more fair and equal.

Video: The National for May 17, 2019 Deal on Steel, Abortion Politics, Brexit Anxiety (July 2024).